Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

I Define an assault rifle as a weapon that fires more than five rounds in a Second and I define a woman as a person with an innie and not a outie. And I’m not against gun ownership just gun accessibility
I Define an assault rifle as a weapon that fires more than five rounds in a Second and I define a woman as a person with an innie and not a outie. And I’m not against gun ownership just gun accessibility
Legal guns only fire a single bullet when the trigger is pulled. A shot gun fires one shot at a time but many buckshot. My weapon of choice for home defense. I woman is born with the ability to bear children.
Legal guns only fire a single bullet when the trigger is pulled. A shot gun fires one shot at a time but many buckshot. My weapon of choice for home defense. I woman is born with the ability to bear children.
To the last sentence, no. That merely propagates an ecclesiastical lie. The sexual strictures are not scriptural. They rely on the universal sin called eisegesis, imposing unnatural strictures on our most elemental behaviors for the singular and utterly wrong purpise of social control. Ask yourself what sort of deity would deny an instinct so basic, so innocent as rubbing one out.

The answer that comes rattling back suggests that this is not a god-concept to respect. This differs from child sacrifice only in scale, a feature common to multplications by zero.

I reject any who have the sheer insanity to suggest that religion can supplant reason in people with the inquisitive trait. “Faith” is the grand old scam buried in 540 million years of metazoan instinct. I prefer systems that encourage asking big questions and not accepting any doctrine that does not submit to objective test, and that requires obedience because it is in a book, and despite their self-advertising, books are from man. Thank you for playing
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Yes I do it’s a personal preference

i'm more concerned about the wording" mayo style sauce"....¿
Use it on a American cheese grilled cheese sandwich. Not actual cheese by the way. You’d basically be eating straight preservatives only especially if you use cheap bread with modified flour. We wonder why they’re finding traces of plastic in blood.