Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

Scientifically, a woman is an adult human with an XX pair of chromosomes.

Religion uses the “can bear children” shibboleth.

So what does a compassionate yet religious human to say to someone who knows deep in her soul that her male body is all wrong?

(it hinges on exposing religion as a 100% human construct whose purpose is to provide unfounded solace to those who must submit to its total control.

Seriously! The logic chain to prove that masturbation is evil is neither scriptural nor sound. Other logic chains have similar material&manufacturing warranty issues. Now we have dozens of religions, each containing hundreds of sects in eternal warfare over soulless scraps of doctrine. The only way to square the whole hot mess is to read the books as propaganda. The irresistible image that emerges is that it was not Lucifer who was cast from heaven, and we’re looking at a “stopped steal” at the highest level. We are looking at that man’s second-plus term on a larger scale.

Which means that the description of Hell is just as purpose-driven, and it sounds like the truth is the best-kept secret in the religions of the books: Hell is a nice place.

So if I tell someone to go to Hell, I cannot give a deeper benediction. (Let’s stick a pin into the possibility of an afterlife.)
Scientifically, a woman is an adult human with an XX pair of chromosomes.

Religion uses the “can bear children” shibboleth.

So what does a compassionate yet religious human to say to someone who knows deep in her soul that her male body is all wrong?

(it hinges on exposing religion as a 100% human construct whose purpose is to provide unfounded solace to those who must submit to its total control.

Seriously! The logic chain to prove that masturbation is evil is neither scriptural nor sound. Other logic chains have similar material&manufacturing warranty issues. Now we have dozens of religions, each containing hundreds of sects in eternal warfare over soulless scraps of doctrine. The only way to square the whole hot mess is to read the books as propaganda. The irresistible image that emerges is that it was not Lucifer who was cast from heaven, and we’re looking at a “stopped steal” at the highest level. We are looking at that man’s second-plus term on a larger scale.

Which means that the description of Hell is just as purpose-driven, and it sounds like the truth is the best-kept secret in the religions of the books: Hell is a nice place.

So if I tell someone to go to Hell, I cannot give a deeper benediction. (Let’s stick a pin into the possibility of an afterlife.)

Scientifically, a woman is an adult human with an XX pair of chromosomes.

Religion uses the “can bear children” shibboleth.

So what does a compassionate yet religious human to say to someone who knows deep in her soul that her male body is all wrong?

(it hinges on exposing religion as a 100% human construct whose purpose is to provide unfounded solace to those who must submit to its total control.

Seriously! The logic chain to prove that masturbation is evil is neither scriptural nor sound. Other logic chains have similar material&manufacturing warranty issues. Now we have dozens of religions, each containing hundreds of sects in eternal warfare over soulless scraps of doctrine. The only way to square the whole hot mess is to read the books as propaganda. The irresistible image that emerges is that it was not Lucifer who was cast from heaven, and we’re looking at a “stopped steal” at the highest level. We are looking at that man’s second-plus term on a larger scale.

Which means that the description of Hell is just as purpose-driven, and it sounds like the truth is the best-kept secret in the religions of the books: Hell is a nice place.

So if I tell someone to go to Hell, I cannot give a deeper benediction. (Let’s stick a pin into the possibility of an afterlife.)

Say what you want, but have you ever found the will power to "fast" from whacking off, and find out for yourself if any of it is true? I can tell you haven't, because I'm highly aware, from when god granted me special abilities for doing so. I went 3 months, and lemme tell you guys what?
Say what you want, but have you ever found the will power to "fast" from whacking off, and find out for yourself if any of it is true? I can tell you haven't, because I'm highly aware, from when god granted me special abilities for doing so. I went 3 months, and lemme tell you guys what?
Unfortunately it’s inappropriate to mention your special abilities in a job interview.
Say what you want, but have you ever found the will power to "fast" from whacking off, and find out for yourself if any of it is true? I can tell you haven't, because I'm highly aware, from when god granted me special abilities for doing so. I went 3 months, and lemme tell you guys what?
Nine months. No benefit. I ran with pentecostals for a year and saw the corruption from the inside.

I got better, slowly. Cult brainwash tactics are good at recruiting loyalty. Always a cult has a named and dangerous evil principle, and the one way to sidestep it. Taking the time to reason through the stories, spot and say the control elements out loud disarms them, but it is neither fast nor easy.

Sex is a basic drive. Religion is about the denial of basic drives. It is also about the resultant epidemic of rape and molestation in societies that seek to enforce this unnatural condition. Self-denial has been converted into the kind of unconditional loyalty that is a feature of religions and other soul vampires.

It is why “toxic Christianity” is a valuable phrase on describing the evil being done by dominionist megapastors mechanizing a proscription into critical thought and the primacy of test.
Only thus might one erode the shockingly strong bonds (cf. Stockholm syndrome) of loyalty one feels toward the tormentor church.
Most die as soul slaves.
Unfortunately it’s inappropriate to mention your special abilities in a job interview.

I would tell them I'd rather whack off myself.. haha. I'm way to honest though, way more real than some average guy going for an interview, and trying to pretend he's all that. Guys literally beg me to come work, and I tell them the most honest answers I can. That working for anyone is BS, I don't feel like being responsible for their shit that way, and that they are trying to take advantage of me. I tell them I don't care about money anymore, because the universe provides everything I need to slay demons, which is the only real job worth having IMO. They want me to come work even more because they trust me and what I say, lol.