Newbie and Transplanting - 7gal smart-pot or 13gal plastic?


Hello All!

New here and have taken my first plant from seed to a 3gal plastic with good veg (-20”).

I’m in MA and get full sun all day, I have a few roots through the bottom of my pot so I want to transplant ASAP.

Thoughts on a 7 gal fabric vs 13 gal plastic in-terms of yield? These sizes are what I have on-hand. Using Coast of Maine Stonington Blend soil

I figure flower should start in ~1 to 1.5 months and I want to try pruning soon.

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I’ve never compared fabric to plastic but have used both. My preference is fabric. We are in the middle of a heat wave, around 100F. I have had to give extra care, but I don’t think they would live in plastic. The bags, 7, 10, and 15 gal, are are heavy mulched with straw and still dry enough to need water 2 or 3 times a day. Something to think about.
Another thing is your nutrients. All that water is washing them down and maybe out.
But my plants are doing good.
I would vote for the bag, but I have the time to. Maybe I should have it gotten an old folks phone.
Bigger is better imo the fabric will dry faster and make more roots but at the end of the day bigger size bigger yield
I saw your post come while I was saying the same thing about drying. Bad things can happen in this kind of heat. Given a choice it’s outside and in ground. The bags were meant for indoors.
Good replies so far! Yes the heatwave in MA has also been bad. I’ve only watered in the mornings in the 3gal plastic and there’s actually no signs of stress! Maybe the 13gal plastic is the way to go then for transplant. The bag seems great for plant health but more care, Maybe hard to judge a big difference in yield
Good replies so far! Yes the heatwave in MA has also been bad. I’ve only watered in the mornings in the 3gal plastic and there’s actually no signs of stress! Maybe the 13gal plastic is the way to go then for transplant. The bag seems great for plant health but more care, Maybe hard to judge a big difference in yield
I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen everyone on the same page.
i like the fabric smart pots but 7 gal vs 13 gal is gonna be bigger roots for bigger fruits

13 gal if you can handle the size uptick and go for the bloom! happy growing my friend
My fabric pots have done ok but it’s a pain to keep them watered in this heat. I like fabric but but outside in this heat you have to be there with the hose when the plants start to drupe. I think maybe the water evaporating keeps the roots cooler.
Thanks Team! I went plastic! I made a “mold” with my 3gal pot. Super easy transfer.


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