Lucky Luke
Well-Known Member
Pretty good hey? Especially coming from the last Parliament. Nice to see change in the right direction.Yeah that one, the one that is statistically still within a margin of error for your government being all white.
lol keep on trolling. Let me know when you guys have a party drag itself out of last millennium and representative of your actual population.
Wow your shit is lame.

The 47th parliament is the most diverse ever – but still doesn’t reflect Australia
While women have made the biggest gains, parliament still has a long way to go to truly reflect multicultural Australia
So how does Australia's most inclusive parliament (we even had a women Prime minister way back) effect Biden and America's two conservative parties? Can you tie your thought process together for me please? I'm just hearing deflection and anger.
In regard to inclusiveness I don't think you should throw to many stones in your glass house where women don't have the same rights as white males.This happened under a Biden Government to. So perhaps just stick to the point.
The point was that America has two conservative parties to choose from. Yes the Democrats have left leaning members but they don't make it to the top job and pander to the conservatives who do. And due to what was described in the video as the ratchet effect America drifts further and further to the right with each Republican election win.
Why does the word Socialism scare you? Were you triggered to respond that way?
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