OK then. Biden 2020.

Yeah that one, the one that is statistically still within a margin of error for your government being all white.

lol keep on trolling. Let me know when you guys have a party drag itself out of last millennium and representative of your actual population.

Wow your shit is lame.
Pretty good hey? Especially coming from the last Parliament. Nice to see change in the right direction.

So how does Australia's most inclusive parliament (we even had a women Prime minister way back) effect Biden and America's two conservative parties? Can you tie your thought process together for me please? I'm just hearing deflection and anger.
In regard to inclusiveness I don't think you should throw to many stones in your glass house where women don't have the same rights as white males.This happened under a Biden Government to. So perhaps just stick to the point.
The point was that America has two conservative parties to choose from. Yes the Democrats have left leaning members but they don't make it to the top job and pander to the conservatives who do. And due to what was described in the video as the ratchet effect America drifts further and further to the right with each Republican election win.

Why does the word Socialism scare you? Were you triggered to respond that way?
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I feel no sense of responsibility to educate drunken Aussies.

Throw a few shrimp on the barbie and google Democratic Party platform.

I wont be drinking till about 4:30pm today and its just after 1pm. Should be a big night though. Trivia night for charity this evening

Ok i did. Not the Shrimp thing but the google bit. Great pretty much central conservative goals but nothing much seems to be happening.
Universal healthcare. Fantastic so when does that start?
Combating the climate crises? Umm Supreme Court decision on EPA says another story. That isn't even a Left leaning thing though is it? Conservative Gov around the world are also tackling it.
Reforming the prison system. Lovely and it even uses the word reform. How's that going? I'm guessing the fundamental flaw is the prisons are privatised so if that goes back to public owned and run it would be a good stepping stone. But it just seems like lots of talking points. Any action happening?
About time and a good left policy (very Centre on the world scale though). "Democrats will implement paid sick days and a high-quality, comprehensive, and inclusive paid family and medical leave system that protects workers from the unfair choice between attending to urgent health or caretaking needs and earning a paycheck. We will fight to ensure workers are guaranteed at least 12 weeks of paid family and medical leave for all workers and family units, to enable new parents to recover from childbirth and bond with their newborns, foster or adopted children, and allow all workers to take extended time off to care for themselves or ailing loved ones." So when does that start?

Is there one in particular that I'm missing?
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Pretty good hey? Especially coming from the last Parliament. Nice to see change in the right direction.

So how does Australia's most inclusive parliament (we even had a women Prime minister way back) effect Biden and America's two conservative parties?
It really doesn't surprise me that you don't understand the benefits of a racially diverse government that actually represents the people throughout your nation. Nor that you think that a government that is statistically all white is pretty good.

Can you tie your thought process together for me please? I'm just hearing deflection and anger.
In regard to inclusiveness I don't think you should throw to many stones in your glass house where women don't have the same rights as white males.This happened under a Biden Government to. So perhaps just stick to the point.
The point was that America has two conservative parties to choose from. Yes the Democrats have left leaning members but they don't make it to the top job and pander to the conservatives who do. And due to what was described in the video as the ratchet effect America drifts further and further to the right with each Republican election win.
And it is fun to troll us for our regressive Republican party that has screwed our non-white male citizens forever, but to put a SCOTUS that has been filled with radicalized right wing justices by Trump and by both the Bushs' is something a troll who is trying to sell a anti-American agenda would ignore.

The narrative you are trying to pretend has anything to do with the Democrats there is you say that the Republicans are dragging to the right, which is true, and the Democrats have to continually overcome and try to pull back on the mess that they make. But the reality is that in the last have century the Democrats have only held power for about 7.5 years (the first 2 years in Carter, Clinton, Obama, and 1.5 so far into Biden's) and the majority of it was pulling America out of a economic disaster that the Republican party left for them to clean up while sitting back and trolling the Democrats as 'bad for the economy' so that they can get enough power to stall their agenda's.

Why does the word Socialism scare you? Were you triggered to respond that way?
Nice troll try with pretending it 'triggered' and 'scared' me. It didn't.

Funny though that pointing out that your cute little youtube video was uploaded by someone pushing a ideology that suits your 'America is ran by righties' nonsense made you come at me with such a weak troll.
It really doesn't surprise me that you don't understand the benefits of a racially diverse government that actually represents the people throughout your nation. Nor that you think that a government that is statistically all white is pretty good.

Its pretty awesome and going in the right direction. Its great that ALL Australians are able to and do run for Government, either independently or as part of a party and it cost's sweet fk all to do so as an Independant. All it takes is people in their own area to vote for them.

To bad my step mum didn't win her Senate seat. Maybe next time if she decides to run again. She ran for The Greens which is Left of Labor.

I knew 4 people running at the last election, which was pretty cool. I'd also bet that my younger sister will run in the next decade. She is already an elder and an academic like her mum, and has been surrounded by politics and politicians her entire life.

Have you ever run or have you thought about running?
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Its pretty awesome and going in the right direction. Its great that ALL Australians are able to and do run for Government, either independently or as part of a party and it cost's sweet fk all to do so as an Independant. All it takes is people in their own area to vote for them.
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To bad my step mum didn't win her Senate seat. Maybe next time if she decides to run again. She ran for The Greens which is Left of Labor.

I knew 4 people running at the last election, which was pretty cool. I'd also bet that my younger sister will run in the next decade. She is already an elder and an academic like her mum, and has been surrounded by politics and politicians her entire life.

Have you ever run or have you thought about running?
I did for a bit, but my immediate family make Hunter Biden look like a saint.

Good luck to your family next time they run.
The triggered little Trump troll is still bumping that stupid thread huh.

Screen Shot 2022-07-30 at 6.09.55 PM.png

The ignore everything that they don't want to talk about and then try to pretend like they are 'owning the libs' with zero actual context to try to make it sound like other points are actual 'wins', is like trying to explain why eating a healthy diet is good while they pretend that the opposite is true and that kit kats are healthy because they have carbohydrates in them.
Dude is obviously on stimmys, watch the cut at the 8:27 mark. Shit is sad.

Pretty good message he sent though if you actually listened to it instead of pretending like it being edited here and there is somehow 'sad'. There was another edit at like 10:14.

Anyways thank you for posting, it is a very strong message from the POTUS. And good to see him working during his Covid diagnosis and not just staging photo ops to keep a death cult unsafe.
Pretty good message he sent though if you actually listened to it instead of pretending like it being edited here and there is somehow 'sad'. There was another edit at like 10:14.

Anyways thank you for posting, it is a very strong message from the POTUS. And good to see him working during his Covid diagnosis and not just staging photo ops to keep a death cult unsafe.

Dude get a grip. It's so strong he can't even read continously for 11 mins. It's a laughable joke of an administration that needs meth to give a speech and then takes zero questions, ever.

And you're welcome, anytime.
Dude get a grip. It's so strong he can't even read continously for 11 mins. It's a laughable joke of an administration that needs meth to give a speech and then takes zero questions, ever.

And you're welcome, anytime.

The imagined knowledge you trolls pretend to have is about what I would expect of people in a cult.

I guess every actor that has ever had a scene put together with several takes is some how in need of meth right?

As for the 'strong' troll, who gives a shit? Do you really need a shirtless dictator riding a horse in a river to get you excited? I don't. He is competent and has quietly gotten a lot of shit done. That is good enough for me.