OK then. Biden 2020.


The imagined knowledge you trolls pretend to have is about what I would expect of people in a cult.

I guess every actor that has ever had a scene put together with several takes is some how in need of meth right?

As for the 'strong' troll, who gives a shit? Do you really need a shirtless dictator riding a horse in a river to get you excited? I don't. He is competent and has quietly gotten a lot of shit done. That is good enough for me.

No its perfectly normal to be your normal old sleepy self and then suddenly wide eyed, big pupils, very energetic and no blinking.

In the same speech.
No its perfectly normal to be your normal old sleepy self and then suddenly wide eyed, big pupils, very energetic and no blinking.

In the same speech.
What is your stunning analysis based on, a handful of click bait cherry picked youtube videos?

Keep cucking out those right wing talking points though like a good little troll.
Find the official Whitehouse transcript for that speech I posted that you are literally in love with, I'll wait.
This your next attempt to keep on selling your troll?

No thanks not jumping through some stupid as shit hoop that you will just ignore and move onto the next bit of narrative you are trying to schill for your handlers.

Seems to communicate well enough for CEFC, Hudson West and Sinohawk though, go figure.

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Oh look more Hunter-ghazi nonsense that the Russian propagandists over at Rupert Murdoch's tabloid is trying to sell to Trump's cultists.
Oh u read Chinese, good for u.....smh..

You guys are never going to live this down.

SMH is when you:

Ingnore covid and blue team says stopping inbound travel is racist, join me in Chinatown and let nothing detract from impeachment.

Then it turns into a 4 trillion dollar something due to this as all blue states shut down for 1 1/2 years.

There have been a lot of "new members" coming straight to the politics section to troll lately. They sound frantic. Right wing trolls are becoming as desperate as Trump himself. And behaving the same.

They have nothing positive to say.
Most of the negative shit they post are just personal attacks that have nothing to do with the subject they are responding to.
The rest is made up shit given to them by people paid to produce propaganda
What they lack in substance, They make up for in volume.

I find great comfort in this. This is not how a confident political movement behaves when they are on the brink of victory. This is how desperate people behave just before they give up hope and disintegrate.

There have been a lot of "new members" coming straight to the politics section to troll lately. They sound frantic. Right wing trolls are becoming as desperate as Trump himself. And behaving the same.

They have nothing positive to say.
Most of the negative shit they post are just personal attacks that have nothing to do with the subject they are responding to.
The rest is made up shit given to them by people paid to produce propaganda
What they lack in substance, They make up for in volume.

I find great comfort in this. This is not how a confident political movement behaves when they are on the brink of victory. This is how desperate people behave just before they give up hope and disintegrate.
I remember crabbing in Maryland. Mama would catch a coupla dozen nice blues off a dock in the back bay of Ocean City. She’d steam them up in this huge (16 quarts?) stockpot.
First time I witnessed this, the crabs did a real frantic scrabble that shut off like a switch when their ganglia began to parboil.

I always left our motel room with a shudder any time next she came home with a bucket of crabs. I imagine a similar time/activity graph applies here.

My real question is, once the country is no longer on the precipice, what do we do with a hundred million (counting those who can’t vote) Stockholm syndromers?

I don’t think many will be able to shed the indoctrination.
I remember crabbing in Maryland. Mama would catch a coupla dozen nice blues off a dock in the back bay of Ocean City. She’d steam them up in this huge (16 quarts?) stockpot.
First time I witnessed this, the crabs did a real frantic scrabble that shut off like a switch when their ganglia began to parboil.

I always left our motel room with a shudder any time next she came home with a bucket of crabs. I imagine a similar time/activity graph applies here.

My real question is, once the country is no longer on the precipice, what do we do with a hundred million (counting those who can’t vote) Stockholm syndromers?

I don’t think many will be able to shed the indoctrination.
I catch Dungeness crabs in the fall. By hand, while Scuba Diving, it's a lot of fun. But that is not where I'm going. Before steaming them, I quick kill them with a knife between the eyes. I then remove their back shells, scrape out the gills and give them a rinse. Then, into a hot steamer for a half hour. Let them cool and it's a wonderful feast. Or I pick the meat out and we have crab cakes.

I don't know if that's a useful analogy for how to deal with Trumpers. Just saying, in my mind this is the best way to process one's catch of crabs.
I catch Dungeness crabs in the fall. By hand, while Scuba Diving, it's a lot of fun. But that is not where I'm going. Before steaming them, I quick kill them with a knife between the eyes. I then remove their back shells, scrape out the gills and give them a rinse. Then, into a hot steamer for a half hour. Let them cool and it's a wonderful feast. Or I pick the meat out and we have crab cakes.

I don't know if that's a useful analogy for how to deal with Trumpers. Just saying, in my mind this is the best way to process one's catch of crabs.
If it is a useful analogy, it would imply massive casualties in CWII, imo.

Back off topic, I cooked two lobsters in my life. One was per Julia Child, whom i hold in great esteem. “Invert lobster and slide into water at a lively boil for an instant kill” yeah no scrabble scrabble guilt.

Jacques Pépin checked in with his foolproof technique. “Before cooking, take large chef’s knife and bisect the head along the centerline”. Embedded link has a vid and, no.
My trial was lively even longer. I will let someone else punish giant arthropods for their heresy.

He is the greatest chef, his stories are hilarious. Cracks me up that all of recent stuff is just super lazy kids food, and it's fine, he has earned the right to do that and it doesn't diminish him. "Open a jar of jelly, add it to a jar of marshmallow fluff and mix it arrrroouuunnnddd(*French accent), now dip a chocolate bar in it. Done. Delicious. Have some more wine, julia loved wine!"

Just started ordering some hello fresh meal kits. They make me laugh. There were these Marco piere white cooking videos where he would just toss knorr seasoning cubes into the recipes at random points, all the hello fresh ones are the same and you squirt in a tube of stock concentrate at some point. All the sauce are just sour cream and a seasoning pack.