Is Biden really that bad?

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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Confused about what? I have the political section on RIU to look through, all the way back to like 06. All I have to do is skip around, look though peoples comments (including yours) about whatever topic, and put it all together like a big puzzle picture. Find out who was right and who was wrong.

It's pretty equal, and I can't take any sides, because I can't agree or disagree with anything anyone says.
then you have no spine...and no sense. good is good, and bad is bad...if you can't tell the difference, then you do have a problem, and should seek some help...if you can tell the difference, then it should be pretty obvious which side is which...again, if it isn't, you have a problem, and should seek some help.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
They give a limited number of free reads.

Basically, he had a meltdown at some interview with a tainted media outlet and spewed all the same falsehoods that @NYCBambu drones on about.

Speaking to the Washington Examiner, Donald Trump baselessly claimed on Friday that the January 6 investigation is an attempt by Democrats to take the heat off of Joe Biden, who, for those of you keeping up at home, is not the president who incited a violent riot in an attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair election. “It’s a disgrace, what’s going on. They’re using these things to try and get people’s minds off how incompetently our country is being run. And they don’t care. They’ll go after children,” Trump complained. Speaking of his eldest children as though they were (1) not full-grown adults and (2) hadn’t been given senior positions both in the White House and at the Trump Organization, the ex-president moaned about the panel: “It’s a very unfair situation for my children. Very, very unfair. They are using whatever powers they have. They couldn’t care less. They are vicious people.” He also, for the zillionth time, claimed Attorney General Letitia James’s investigation of the Trump family business is politically motivated, saying, “She campaigned on a whole issue of ‘I’ll get Trump. I’ll get Trump.’ And that’s all it was.”

It was written in Jan '22. Given how good the June jobs report is, how leading indicators are flashing decreasing inflation and how the stock markets are responding, with nearly 10% rise in market valuations, his claims about "incompetently our country is being run" didn't age well. Lulz at how he talks of his 40 YO daughter and sons are children. I dunno, maybe she is.

None of this rant held up well over time.

That's the thing about lies vs facts. Facts don't need maintenance. They remain the same over time. Lies require constant maintenance and they change constantly. Just look at the crap @NYCBambu blathers on about. Or the rant that Trump had during that interview. In light of the facts both of them look silly. Which is why they keep trying to draw the blinders.
It was fun to feed the monkey while I watched as he masturbated, spewing out the same load, post after post. As each one of his “debate” points are debunked or explained how innacurate, or irrelevant, he masturbates more. Now it has become just sad watching. I honestly feel sorry for his lack of understanding. But hey atleast he’s got the “recession”, there is that. 6E6561ED-D112-4BD8-B133-A18495F71E36.jpeg


Well-Known Member
It was fun to feed the monkey while I watched as he masturbated, spewing out the same load, post after post. As each one of his “debate” points are debunked or explained how innacurate, or irrelevant, he masturbates more. Now it has become just sad watching. I honestly feel sorry for his lack of understanding. But hey atleast he’s got the “recession”, there is that. View attachment 5173436
Show me a source besides your mouth that debunked even one thing I said. You guys cant even find anything good about Joe to copy and paste, because it doesnt exist. There are internet articles written by liberals way smarter than you clowns, and even they dont list much. Do you need proof (again) that we are in a recession? Proof of Biden setting the all time high price for gas in America? Higest inflation in 40 years thanks to Joes fight for climate change, a measly 2 degrees over a 100 year span. You guys are exactly like Joe Biden, in denial. Maybe they'll actually re-define the word recession to their liking, it certainly has been done before.

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Ursus marijanus
There are more fires due to global warming, which Republicans continue to dispute the existence of, combined with a policy of fighting brush fires for 50 years, leading to a build up of kindling. Turns out wild fires serve a purpose in nature, but thats just an observation.

The opiod crisis is a bipartisan problem caused by opoid manufacturers and their lobbies. The failure of our response to the problem largely lies in the lack of social programs and the criminalization of addicts. Cops don't stop crime, they stop criminals. Crime is a result of poverty, lack of education, and lack of opportunity. Republicans hate the poor, defund public schools, and generally oppose opportunity for anybody but themselves.
Point of possible dissent.
The opioid crisis is a combination of the drug war, a purely Republican fetish, and big pharma being in tight with the profiteers from the same party.

I cannot imagine a bipartisan approach to ending needless drug injury by arrest/conviction for what is only a crime because some folk tead their holy writ wrong.

otherwise 8)

Tolerance Break

Well-Known Member
Point of possible dissent.
The opioid crisis is a combination of the drug war, a purely Republican fetish, and big pharma being in tight with the profiteers from the same party.

I cannot imagine a bipartisan approach to ending needless drug injury by arrest/conviction for what is only a crime because some folk tead their holy writ wrong.

otherwise 8)
The left were never unified in their opposition to the drug war, in that sense, "they" dont oppose it, although the only ones who do are in their camp.

I agree with the latter half, but I can't see the future.


Ursus marijanus
The left were never unified in their opposition to the drug war, in that sense, "they" dont oppose it, although the only ones who do are in their camp.

I agree with the latter half, but I can't see the future.
I have confidence tge Democrats will come around. Public health facts matter to them, and in terms if public health, the drug war is (to use the euphemism) suboptimal.

Republicans have a structural problem. They have been told by the priests-of-prey that the drug war is a holy thing. The priest class is all about making a loyalty test of self-denial; it is classic abduction psychology.
As long as Republicans are hand-in-hand with the toxic evangelicals, I see no hope of them coming around.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Point of possible dissent.
The opioid crisis is a combination of the drug war, a purely Republican fetish, and big pharma being in tight with the profiteers from the same party.

I cannot imagine a bipartisan approach to ending needless drug injury by arrest/conviction for what is only a crime because some folk tead their holy writ wrong.

otherwise 8)
Your both wrong! It’s because there are twice as many illegal aliens entering….opps encounters, (ya that’s what I meant to say) this year, and that’s Biden’s fault. Jeesh!


Well-Known Member
Your both wrong! It’s because there are twice as many illegal aliens entering….opps encounters, (ya that’s what I meant to say) this year, and that’s Biden’s fault. Jeesh!
It IS Bidens fault. He personally invited them all over. He comes right out and says illegals should NOT be deported. Just watch:

At one point, Joe wanted to put cash directly into their pockets!

The facts back it up: illegal border crossings are up 173% from 1 year ago and 28% since January when President Biden stopped the wall, deportations, and re-started the failed catch & release program. Read about it here:

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Ursus marijanus
The left were never unified in their opposition to the drug war, in that sense, "they" dont oppose it, although the only ones who do are in their camp.

I agree with the latter half, but I can't see the future.
A thought happened.
The Republicans have been waging the culture war rather indiscriminately. The measure of their power will be directly measured in the upcoming midterm elections.

The Democrats have been mostly* on the back foot since Nixon. As a result, they have had to put their programs through brutal triage. Bigger fish to fry include racism, sexism and the threat to a diverse education of the sort that offends the Sturmheiligen (holy commandos).

While the drug war is painful, we have got to put what political capital we have into the big fish until we can take a deep breath after the need for “survive the GOP” is done.

For the next few years, elections will be a sort of Nerf Thunderdome. Two men enter … one man refuses to leave.

*I have tried to look this up, but my search terms keep getting improved by Google. Can someone direct me toward an article or book that lays out when each party had the power?


Well-Known Member
It IS Bidens fault. He personally invited them all over. He comes right out and says illegals should NOT be deported. Just watch:

At one point, Joe wanted to put cash directly into their pockets!

The facts back it up: illegal border crossings are up 173% from 1 year ago and 28% since January when President Biden stopped the wall, deportations, and re-started the failed catch & release program. Read about it here:

The article rated it half true & the experts dismissed the reasons you cite. Did you just pick the parts you desire? Biden is taking care of matters pragmatically, not separating families. How has immigration affected you?


Well-Known Member
The number #1 issue to me is democracy itself so Biden's crowning achievement was simply displacing the turd. Although I think the egotistical turd deserves much credit for that though by crashing the high-flying economy he inherited, his incessant lying, blowing up the debt, and the profound corruption of the entire family.

I also give Biden credit for preventing WWIII by uniting our allies & NATO against Putin after the turd severely hurt those alliances.

He got the Inflation Reduction Act through the house so we may FINALLY have some action to combat climate change and to reduce our dependency on oil & gas. We need to end the filibuster to really get things done.
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