Help with Ec pen


Well-Known Member
Hi guys I received my Ec pen today it’s a grow gadgets budget Ec but I don’t understand the reading the one I used to have would just say 1.5 or whatever but this one I tested nutes and it gives a 3 digit number like 100 for instance anyone able to help thanks a lot in advance
Says here a reading of 1900 would be 1.9 Ec I get that but there is only 3 digits on the lcd screen so would only read to 999 which I’m guessing would be 0.9.9 Ec :wall: heads gone
Hi guys I received my Ec pen today it’s a grow gadgets budget Ec but I don’t understand the reading the one I used to have would just say 1.5 or whatever but this one I tested nutes and it gives a 3 digit number like 100 for instance anyone able to help thanks a lot in advance
It's simply micro vs millisiemens

1EC can be represented as 1μS or 1000 mS
That’s just plain tap water 186ppm just don’t understand the ec pen
It shows a 10 factor on the display, so your 186ppm is measuring 0.29 EC, which is fairly close in measurement. A display of 150, with the 10-factor in the display, should be 1.5 EC. Make up a batch of 750 ppm, and see if it measures 150 on your EC meter.
The black one in pics that says EC says 147 so is that 1.47 EC because if so I get that if not what does it meen I did have an essentials one but cannot find it so bought this quick that one just displayed 1.4-1.5 an so on so If the 147 does actually mean 1.47 ec I get that
Hard to say whats going on. It appears your grey TDS-3 is using the middle scale on the chart in post #4, that or one or both meters are not accurate. Also, why do the instructions for a TDS meter call it "Budget PH Meter"? :o

I suggest checking both meters with calibration solution. After buying calibration solution I threw my two cheap meters (including a TDS-3) in the trash and bought two used HM Digital COM-80's off ebay for a about $10 each.
wow :o I didn’t even notice it said that:confused: I can ring the shop tomorrow to enquire about this budget pen…. Should’ve just paid the extra £15 an just replaced with the £40one in the first place:wall: oh well lesson learned I guess and sorry if I came across any kind of way back there I appreciate all the help guys even if I can be a bit slow after 15 joints:D:bigjoint: happy growing
Do you have calibration solution for either of your meters? What ppm weighting scale does the ppm meter use?
Instructions for using a budget TDS meter...
1: take the meter and find a door in your house that seems to swing open all the time.
2: take the meter and wedge it under the door so it holds it closed.
You now have the perfect doorstop.
3: go and buy a Hanna, or a bluelab
Works like a charm, everytime.