Plz Help leaves facing down and starting to turn yellow


Well-Known Member
Yep. Walk away and don’t water for a few days. I wouldn’t be giving nuts at all right now, you’re in ffof so you’re good for this stage already


Well-Known Member
Tbh I'm not sure I got this seed out a oz I bought lol I just ordered more seeds online tho
Ok from what i see.. your soil is totally wet.. this isnt needed with a plant that size.. maybe a cup or two is all it needs..
Your leaves have water and drops on them.. So to ask why your leaves are droopy is misleading..
No what im saying?
Do alot of reading from reputable books and forums like this one.. most simple questions have been anwserd a million times..
Im not picking on you..
So dont feak when i say this...
USE THE SEARCH OPTION at the to of the page for questions before you ask..
Again. Im not picking on you..
.edit::** top of the page
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