New and Improved TnT Foodie thread

In hindsight, it didn’t need the fat from the cheese.
Manchego would have been great.
But heck you coulda put that pineapple chutney on cardboard and be happy.
I had a really tasty Grana Padano on my salad last week. So that was in the forefront of my mind. In my younger years I would have eaten something like that with a spoon. I rarely admit that but it happened.
Last night's dinner was all over the place. The garden is starting to produce so it all came from there and I made the bread. I actually made the bread outside in the Brevetti oven. It wasn't ideal but it got things baked. I don't like heating the house up in the summer with the oven if I don't have to.

Dill green beans.

Grilled zucchini. I used a little sesame oil, korean red pepper powder, soy sauce, and a dash of mirin.

I used some tomato, red onion, fresh basil, garlic, and fresh mozzarella for the bruschetta.

Oh man these are good
Onion rings and fried green tomatoes.
This dipping sauce :blsmoke:

Oh, and I used the recipe for onion rings @curious2garden posted........I'd link but it's like 4 pages back....just before the "I don't cum" pages :rolleyes:
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