Climate in the 21st Century

Will Humankind see the 22nd Century?

  • Not a fucking chance

    Votes: 45 28.1%
  • Maybe. if we get our act together

    Votes: 41 25.6%
  • Yes, we will survive

    Votes: 74 46.3%

  • Total voters
i think it will get ugly, but you seem to revel in coming destruction...the world isn't doomed, but this "civilization" might be...humanity will live on, and hopefully learn from its many mistakes..but the society they live in will end up radically different than this one.
you know he shifts in his chair when doom slutting this hard. We each sometimes get our bad thing on, around here. Like the cognitively underprivileged posting gun sex pics. Leave him his innocuous ya-yas.
i think it will get ugly, but you seem to revel in coming destruction...the world isn't doomed, but this "civilization" might be...humanity will live on, and hopefully learn from its many mistakes..but the society they live in will end up radically different than this one.

Pointing out the coming future is not reveling in it, not my fault the world is filled with self absorbed morons.
i think it will get ugly, but you seem to revel in coming destruction...the world isn't doomed, but this "civilization" might be...humanity will live on, and hopefully learn from its many mistakes..but the society they live in will end up radically different than this one.
I don’t share your optimism. Humans have been on the planet for only a few hundred thousand years and in the last hundred have put the planet in peril.

There are no guarantees we won’t end up like the dodo bird.
Mixed bag, I think we are smart enough to science our way out of the situation. We do have a bunch of anti science shitbags fighting tooth and nail against us though. We are wasting a lot of our energy in that regard, and that's their goal.

Edit: kind of a bad parallel, but think about how much time is getting wasted writing long posts with facts to disprove trolly shit.
Mixed bag, I think we are smart enough to science our way out of the situation. We do have a bunch of anti science shitbags fighting tooth and nail against us though. We are wasting a lot of our energy in that regard, and that's their goal.

Edit: kind of a bad parallel, but think about how much time is getting wasted writing long posts with facts to disprove trolly shit.
It is pretty ironic that it is both a result of companies chasing profits.
We just need everyone to work together for the common good.

No problem.
You don't need everybody to agree or like it, you just need political power. Lately I have as much contempt for the republican morons as the con artists who control them and tell them what to think, to the extent that they can think. Manipulate and divide them, tell them what they want to hear, while traffic directing them into the dustbin of history. Make oxycontin and meth legal in red states if that's what it takes! These are the people who will be hammered by climate change the most and first, rural republican farmers with drought and the south east and the Midwest with extreme weather. Tell them it's God's wrath for electing republicans and worshipping Cheeto Jesus! :lol:
this pisses me off. The Google teaser clearly says “temps”, measured temperatures 20 degrees above regional record highs. The article then proceeds to invoke the heat index, a measurement that obfuscates the real temperature and awfulizes it in analogy to that other sham: wind chill factor.

n.b. a 104-degree day with 55% rh, unremarkable summer weather these days, is in their oh-no zone.

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Everyone can now breathe a sigh of relief ! theyve moved the climate change,global warming,rising oceans goal posts to 2053 ! So everyone can go for a New 1st down & keep in Fear for another 30+ years ! America , The Only country in The world where average people have liquid income to spend on green products. When theyve sucked every last penny out of The People, We can all live in Equality with the rest of the citizens of world who have nothing and live on their knees.
Everyone can now breathe a sigh of relief ! theyve moved the climate change,global warming,rising oceans goal posts to 2053 ! So everyone can go for a New 1st down & keep in Fear for another 30+ years ! America , The Only country in The world where average people have liquid income to spend on green products. When theyve sucked every last penny out of The People, We can all live in Equality with the rest of the citizens of world who have nothing and live on their knees.

you can’t legislate reality.
Everyone can now breathe a sigh of relief ! theyve moved the climate change,global warming,rising oceans goal posts to 2053 ! So everyone can go for a New 1st down & keep in Fear for another 30+ years ! America , The Only country in The world where average people have liquid income to spend on green products. When theyve sucked every last penny out of The People, We can all live in Equality with the rest of the citizens of world who have nothing and live on their knees.
So what would you like to see happen?
Everyone can now breathe a sigh of relief ! theyve moved the climate change,global warming,rising oceans goal posts to 2053 ! So everyone can go for a New 1st down & keep in Fear for another 30+ years ! America , The Only country in The world where average people have liquid income to spend on green products. When theyve sucked every last penny out of The People, We can all live in Equality with the rest of the citizens of world who have nothing and live on their knees.

Everyone can now breathe a sigh of relief ! theyve moved the climate change,global warming,rising oceans goal posts to 2053 ! So everyone can go for a New 1st down & keep in Fear for another 30+ years ! America , The Only country in The world where average people have liquid income to spend on green products. When theyve sucked every last penny out of The People, We can all live in Equality with the rest of the citizens of world who have nothing and live on their knees.

It's time, move out of the oil patch, get a job that will benefit your children.
[QUOTE=Theyve been legislating The Reality of those who believe through climate science for the past 50 years & moving the goalposts with New Science every few years. It never comes true.Everyone whose gotten rich off of this have built beachfront Mansions that utilize nothing green, had superyachts built,bought private planes & have fleets of giant gas powered vehicles with lots of Armed security. Rules for thee & not for me !
=Theyve been legislating The Reality of those who believe through climate science for the past 50 years & moving the goalposts with New Science every few years. It never comes true.Everyone whose gotten rich off of this have built beachfront Mansions that utilize nothing green, had superyachts built,bought private planes & have fleets of giant gas powered vehicles with lots of Armed security. Rules for thee & not for me !
I would appreciate a link to a concrete example where the law has changed Nature. I only need one, from a trusted and generally objective source like the bigs: Nature or Science. They only accept peer-reviewed communications.

I am unaware of a single instance in which Nature, which is well, everything, has yielded to Will, which often contains a wish for things tgere aren’t. A good example is any religion: they seek to command reality instead if conform to it. If you do, please provide quality references.

Advice: you are neglecting the Holy Quaternity of written English.


Please address the deficiencies; not doing so makes you appear less than serious.

n. b. I had to clean up a mare’s nest of hanging quotes in order to render this legible.
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Fixed it for you.

Know your enemy.
It's not just oil. It's the laws & structure of incorporation that encourage & allow . Every corp has to make more every consecutive year,from city hall to dc from your bank to insurers.from the mom & pop that just franchised & got theirs to multinational food purveyors. They will Always need more every year as long as capitalism is unregulated via The Corporation. That more comes from me n you & we get less ever consecutive year. Til there's no meat left on the bone!