Hey old farts..how many over 50 yrs?

It's skivvies

I was saying it's Skivvies. not skibbies ! At leat here in Upstate.
Always heard " shivvies".......never " skibbies "......may be it's different in NE.

I mispelled, pointed out by a member....I meant skivvies as Obijohn spelled correctlly...thanks pal, that's embarrassing
I was saying it's Skivvies. not skibbies ! At leat here in Upstate.

I mispelled, pointed out by a member....I meant skivvies as Obijohn spelled correctlly...thanks pal, that's embarrassing

No need to be embarrassed. I've misspelled words because I misheard the pronunciation. But once I see a word in print a time or two, the spelling sticks with me. Then I have my share of fat finger typos
Simpler times.

I remember when The Six Million Dollar Man came on TV, and us kids were like, ooooo, holy shit, six million dollars! But it was the Bionic Woman that I dreamed of, with her Bionic Vagina. Suppose I had no chance at competing with Steve Austin's Bionic Boner. But hey, if they're only 6 million, everyone would have them. A lot of men.
Unconfident men.
Not me.
I don't need a Bionic boner. At my age, I'm happy to take a Bionic crap once a week.MV5BMTQ2NTM2NTY1Nl5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwMjgwNTkwMDE@._V1_FMjpg_UX1000_.jpg
Just curious.. Started in the 70's. Then stopped until I had severe pain issues. More tricks now and more stuff to fuck ya up.:weed: Great hobby.
53 & I got back into it after seeing what it can do for my health & pain.i use RSO & make a great topical with it for joint pain & healing. Carbon based medicines Heal carbon based creatures, synthetics only buffer symptoms