Dehumidifier water in mist humidifiers

I used to tank all my condensation & de humidifier water & re use it in humidifiers & feed because it's pure water but my humidifiers slimed up quickly because there was no chlorine in that water. Fighting waterborne molds for a while I let it go & stuck to tap.ive since put a tote bin in the ground & drain all condensation to that & use it for outdoor irrigation
I used to tank all my condensation & de humidifier water & re use it in humidifiers & feed because it's pure water but my humidifiers slimed up quickly because there was no chlorine in that water. Fighting waterborne molds for a while I let it go & stuck to tap.ive since put a tote bin in the ground & drain all condensation to that & use it for outdoor irrigation

I knew there had to be a catch, thank you!
I almost have to use my mini split's condensate in my swamp cooler. The well water is too hard, and clogs up the honeycomb media within a year or 2. I've had no problems with mold in the rez of the swamp cooler, but I do add a dash of Physan 20, and hit the water with a UVC light every now and then.

Thank you @DoubleAtotheRON i always value your insight when it comes to keeping things clean!