Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

Well this sucks. Great way to give the GOP ammo..

Yet another brick in the wall of bullshit - no different from the ‘ammo’ they’ve been making up, stapling together and passing out for decades; the irony is those weapons ONLY work on gullible, inexperienced ‘fraidy-cats who need support from others like them - y’know, the ones who feel safest in a mob of fellow dupes.

This will just push the MAGA-hats closer to the ice wall, which will heighten their fear of falling off the fucking planet, but only the ones who *already* believe such crap will be harmed: “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free” (h/t to cannabineer)...though I suppose there’s a sort of freedom in landing hard in a puddle of srawberry jelly, too

Cannabineer, how many times did you have to type your nom before auto-‘correct’ stopped messing with it?
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Both of them will burn down at some point over the next two years. 75% chance it's an insurance scam, 25% angry real leftist.

I would probably watch a documentary about it. Would be fascinating like a year round Halloween or Christmas store, likely as weird and creepy at least.
50% chance it’ll be a magat that woke up and smelled the treason - and got righteously pissed, as only Trump core supporters can get.
Media Bias Fact Check gives them a rating of "mostly factual", while CNN gets a "mixed" rating.
And THAT causes me to learn more about “Media Bias Fact Check”….

The linked ‘article’ was framed much like the anti-Semitic “work” that was so popular in the 1800s in Europe & still extremely popular with regressive eager to blame more stuff on Jews & those who don’t kill Jews on sight…assigning characterizations with no backup for them at all, and just as bland and dry and soporific a form of literature as anything that ever put you to sleep. I caught a half-dozen red flags in just the first few paragraphs. A couple of non-crap links that don’t support their ‘argument’ can’t fix the bullshit baked in.
Oh no, investigators who worked in a case that found dozens of criminals and hundreds of contacts between Trump's minions and the Russian military during the 2016 campaign are still on the case to make sure that Trump's traitorous ass is not continuing to sell us out to foreign dictators as a private citizen.
50% chance it’ll be a magat that woke up and smelled the treason - and got righteously pissed, as only Trump core supporters can get.
honestly the only thing keeping me from it is the chance of incarceration...the sense of satisfaction wouldn't be worth the risk...and they're not free standing buildings, their neighbors were there before them, can't cause collateral damage if they aren't guilty as well
”Telling me I'm not really black because I don't agree with every little radical policy is your idea of diversity?”

There are two lies in that first sentence of yours. I usually stop reading as soon as people start lying, so I would bet there are more in your nonsense.

I never told you your not really black, I don’t know you in real life to call you a liar about your race (as many many right wing trolls do in their catfishing as non-white people), and the policies are not radical (Which is par for the course as you trolls like to use the right wing propaganda branding to sell their handlers agendas).

I said white liberals and you assume literally you. Cry a river dude. You're a victim.
This shit is hilarious. Every president has been sued for the Presidential Records Act, that's literally all you can do, its a civil matter. Garland is the first to put a boot through a door for this and that's likely why you will never see the affidavit. He better show something soon because this is all there is and 4th ammendment violation inbound.