Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

Yet another brick in the wall of bullshit - no different from the ‘ammo’ they’ve been making up, stapling together and passing out for decades; the irony is those weapons ONLY work on gullible, inexperienced ‘fraidy-cats who need support from others like them - y’know, the ones who feel safest in a mob of fellow dupes.

This will just push the MAGA-hats closer to the ice wall, which will heighten their fear of falling off the fucking planet, but only the ones who *already* believe such crap will be harmed: “Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free” (h/t to cannabineer)...though I suppose there’s a sort of freedom in landing hard in a puddle of srawberry jelly, too

Cannabineer, how many times did you have to type your nom before auto-‘correct’ stopped messing with it?
Goodness, that was pounds ago!

It wasn’t often. Once my fingers had the muscle memory syncopation down, it became a sobriety test :)
Your lord and savior even holds this dear to him you poor thing.


I am not sure what that RNC video has to do with you being a liar.

This shit is hilarious. Every president has been sued for the Presidential Records Act, that's literally all you can do, its a civil matter. Garland is the first to put a boot through a door for this and that's likely why you will never see the affidavit. He better show something soon because this is all there is and 4th ammendment violation inbound.
And you expect peopel to belive liars pretending like that is all there is to the case?

Just like right wing propagandists lie about Trump's campaign not ahving hundreds of contacts with the Russains during the 2016 election.
Fox News just published an article that says the Mar-a-Lago search was justified, now that's some funny shit.

ooh donny and rupert must have had a huge lovers spat...they just spelled it out in language even their viewers could understand, trump is a fucking crook who stole secret documents and ignored a request for their return...the raid was justified, and legal, and what trump was doing wasn't
wonder how long it will take for trump to label fox as fake news...that leaves him NOWHERE to spread his lies, except lame ass truth social... :lol:
So it’s all about branding and contagion for you, huh? Word games are fun, but THAT one never does well at parties

It gives you nothing to stand on - but then, you’re still falling so why worry about the landing, amirite?
Really? It's not cool at parties? Is this the par-tey forum? Politics is a war of words. Real weakness is revealed when one side simply attempts to redefine whats not convenient lol.

2 quarters of negative growth is a recession.
he has sound bites that are pretty reasonable, but his whole philosophy is right wing christian nationalist shit...
I don't know the guy and never heard of him. Not surprised that a right winger would at same time define degenerate and fit the definition.

Altmeyer identifies this as an attribute of right wing authortarians and calls it compartmentalization. They hold contradictory beliefs -- Hillary should be jailed for having classified documents on an unsecured server at home while Trump is being unfairly attacked by a weaponized DOJ for having boxes of US property and secret documents at his unsecure home.

The author refers to the following vid. Three minutes in, a Trumper displays compartmentalization not once but twice within just thirty seconds of discourse. At one point he shows that he understands the contradiction of being pro life while not wearing a mask in a large crowd. He justifies not wearing a mask as a personal choice.

  • both for and against doing everything within reason to protect human life.
  • both for and against letting the majority dictate whether he wears a mask.
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I am not sure what that RNC video has to do with you being a liar.

And you expect peopel to belive liars pretending like that is all there is to the case?

Just like right wing propagandists lie about Trump's campaign not ahving hundreds of contacts with the Russains during the 2016 election.

Exonerated. All anyone sees is current incumbents admin raiding the private home of a former rival and current front runner. From the same exact crowd that falsified evidence to obtain illegal fisa warrants for Russian Collusion and to spy on the incoming campaign and really the whole opposition party. Front runner was fully cleared from this. J6 committee is turning up craps so they put a boot through a former President and front runners door for the first time in our history.

That's literally all that exists at the moment except in your collective imagination. That, the broadest scope warrant anyone has ever seen and an affidavit they don't want anyone to see.

And it's a super bad look for the collective.
Exonerated. All anyone sees is current incumbents admin raiding the private home of a former rival and current front runner. From the same exact crowd that falsified evidence to obtain illegal fisa warrants for Russian Collusion and to spy on the incoming campaign and really the whole opposition party. Front runner was fully cleared from this. J6 committee is turning up craps so they put a boot through a former President and front runners door for the first time in our history.

That's literally all that exists at the moment except in your collective imagination. That, the broadest scope warrant anyone has ever seen and an affidavit they don't want anyone to see.

And it's a super bad look for the collective.
tRUMP could clear all this up by showing the warrant and complying with law enforcement
Isn’t that the rights answer to people being abused by law enforcement?
Exonerated. All anyone sees is current incumbents admin raiding the private home of a former rival and current front runner. From the same exact crowd that falsified evidence to obtain illegal fisa warrants for Russian Collusion and to spy on the incoming campaign and really the whole opposition party. Front runner was fully cleared from this. J6 committee is turning up craps so they put a boot through a former President and front runners door for the first time in our history.

That's literally all that exists at the moment except in your collective imagination. That, the broadest scope warrant anyone has ever seen and an affidavit they don't want anyone to see.

And it's a super bad look for the collective.
Yeah, simply awful of the DOJ to come to Trump's home and remove documents from Mar a Lago that he had no legal standing to have in his possession. I don't understand why he had them and am curious to hear your explanation why he had them.

What purpose do you think Trump had for keeping top secret documents -- that by law must never leave a secure site -- at his unsecure home?
Exonerated. All anyone sees is current incumbents admin raiding the private home of a former rival and current front runner. From the same exact crowd that falsified evidence to obtain illegal fisa warrants for Russian Collusion and to spy on the incoming campaign and really the whole opposition party. Front runner was fully cleared from this. J6 committee is turning up craps so they put a boot through a former President and front runners door for the first time in our history.

That's literally all that exists at the moment except in your collective imagination. That, the broadest scope warrant anyone has ever seen and an affidavit they don't want anyone to see.

And it's a super bad look for the collective.
wrong. The FISA warrants were set up properly and the investigation was legit until Trump‘s goons took over and started harassing Page. That doesn’t change shit about all the actual convictions of Trump’s inner circle, because they were/are guilty.

All I see is a private citizen (Trump) continuing to break the law and idiotic right wing propaganda trolls like yourself trying to pretend otherwise.
Really? It's not cool at parties? Is this the par-tey forum? Politics is a war of words. Real weakness is revealed when one side simply attempts to redefine whats not convenient lol.

2 quarters of negative growth is a recession.
To you it is. Unsurprisingly, you are wrong.

In general usage, the word recession connotes a marked slippage in economic activity. While gross domestic product (GDP) is the broadest measure of economic activity, the often-cited identification of a recession with two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth is not an official designation. The designation of a recession is the province of a committee of experts at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), a private non-profit research organization that focuses on understanding the U.S. economy. The NBER recession is a monthly concept that takes account of a number of monthly indicators—such as employment, personal income, and industrial production—as well as quarterly GDP growth. Therefore, while negative GDP growth and recessions closely track each other, the consideration by the NBER of the monthly indicators, especially employment, means that the identification of a recession with two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth does not always hold.