Climate in the 21st Century

Will Humankind see the 22nd Century?

  • Not a fucking chance

    Votes: 45 28.1%
  • Maybe. if we get our act together

    Votes: 41 25.6%
  • Yes, we will survive

    Votes: 74 46.3%

  • Total voters
heavy rains have washed out large sections of park roads here, causing closures, some more temporary than others.
And summertime is when they do their business. A lot of their income is from fees so they will be coming up short. I heard today that GSMNP was adding parking fees at Newfound Gap and a couple other trailheads. Five bucks a day, 15 for a week and 40 for a year pass.
And summertime is when they do their business. A lot of their income is from fees so they will be coming up short. I heard today that GSMNP was adding parking fees at Newfound Gap and a couple other trailheads. Five bucks a day, 15 for a week and 40 for a year pass.
At a national park farther west …

And summertime is when they do their business. A lot of their income is from fees so they will be coming up short. I heard today that GSMNP was adding parking fees at Newfound Gap and a couple other trailheads. Five bucks a day, 15 for a week and 40 for a year pass.
yeah, thats us. it's been free to park up to now, but the tourists are abusing it, parking in the grass, blocking the shoulder of the road, just being really shitty bad house guests...
several roads and bridges got washed out recently, the Greenbrier was my favorite part of the park locally, and they lost a lot of roads, it'll be next year before they're open again at all.
I doesn't matter since over half the people affected believe it is fake news, along with climate change, Trump, republicans and rightwing media told them it was all fake news for years. So when the tap runs dry it will be a conspiracy caused by Soros and besides, it's all Biden's fault. Post fact America cannot solve problems, to do that requires recognizing facts and reality, then acting rationally. It also requires that those who brought you to this, are for the most part, the same ones who fucked themselves over climate change, largely republican farmers and ranchers.

Democratic government will mean increased tribal water rights, something else for the republicans living there to whine about on the way to bankruptcy court.

The Dire Water Crisis Developing Around the Colorado River Basin | Symone
16,198 views Aug 23, 2022 The Colorado River provides water to 40 million people. Debra Krol and Luke Runyon discuss the “mega-drought” and water crisis in the Colorado River Basin and what it means for residents of Arizona, Nevada and tribal lands.
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I doesn't matter since over half the people affected believe it is fake news, along with climate change, Trump, republicans and rightwing media told them it was all fake news for years. So when the tap runs dry it will be a conspiracy caused by Soros and besides, it's all Biden's fault. Post fact America cannot solve problems, to do that requires recognizing facts and reality, then acting rationally. It also requires that those who brought you to this, are for the most part, the same ones who fucked themselves over climate change, largely republican farmers and ranchers.

Democratic government will mean increased tribal water rights, something else for the republicans living there to whine about on the way to bankruptcy court.

The Dire Water Crisis Developing Around the Colorado River Basin | Symone
16,198 views Aug 23, 2022 The Colorado River provides water to 40 million people. Debra Krol and Luke Runyon discuss the “mega-drought” and water crisis in the Colorado River Basin and what it means for residents of Arizona, Nevada and tribal lands.
is that the correct vid?
Shit isn't happening in isolation....
The thread title should really be. The end of the world as we know it.
Shit isn't happening in isolation....
The thread title should really be. The end of the world as we know it.
"as we know it" doesn't necessitate that the new status has to be worse than the old status.
a lot of alarmist and extremist have been saying the world will end, society will crumble, we'll all be living in thunderdome...
that's a load of horseshit.
the world isn't even close to ending...we're shitting in our own cereal bowl. that has consequences. our society as we know it will have to change, and that is when people actually get the fuck off of their asses and do anything, when they HAVE TO DO IT.
we've damaged the world, and we'll damage it more, but it's taken catastrohic volcanic super eruptions, and massive meteor strikes, and it's still here, still full of life...
it becomes more and more apparent daily that we have to change, and we're starting to, but not quickly enough...that will cost us as a race...but that seems to be the only way we can learn as a race, through pain and hardship.
the world won't be a barren wasteland, it's shrugged off worse than what we have to throw at it, the worst that will happen is we'll make it uninhabitable for ourselves, and the cockroaches will get their chance at civilization...
Oh, I have lived through the transition from being a dominant minority to having the communist majority take over.
I have seen what is inevitably going to happen where you live if western countries force only themselves to go through Marxist thinking to their detriment. And probably regardless if we try to change now... I think that bird has flown the coop already.
Oh, I have lived through the transition from being a dominant minority to having the communist majority take over.
I have seen what is inevitably going to happen where you live if western countries force only themselves to go through Marxist thinking to their detriment. And probably regardless if we try to change now... I think that bird has flown the coop already.
I would not commit the cardinal error of believing fascists when they describe themselves as Marxist. There never has been a genuinely Marxist government.
I would not commit the cardinal error of believing fascists when they describe themselves as Marxist. There never has been a genuinely Marxist government.
The line between the two is very thin...
Personally, I'd prefer a world where we didn't need governments. Where people just got up each day and were awesome!

I guess we are not there yet for another few millennia if we survive that long.

Today the court ruled that singing kill the Boer is not hate speech.
I just so happen to come from that demographic by birth.
Investment funds that emphasize investing in companies with good scores on the environment, societal policies and good governance policies produce better returns for investors than funds that do not. Desantis and other Republicans who control red states are setting policies to prevent investors and retirement funds from taking advantage of the clear signal -- that good environmental policies, positive effects on society and policies to ensure the company is managed to benefit all stakeholders (as opposed to enriching the CEO) -- make good business sense.

GOP Fury Over ESG Triggers Backlash With US Pensions at Risk
Politicians from Florida and Texas go on the attack against investment firms that weigh risks tied to climate change and other societal issues.

Environmental, social and governance investing is now under attack in the world's largest economy. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis this week banned state pension funds from screening for ESG risks. Texas is seeking to isolate financial firms it says are hostile toward the fossil-fuel industry. And in Arizona, Republican Senate nominee Blake Masters has characterized ESG scores as an existential threat to America.

The development represents a rapid escalation of aggression toward an investing form that few people even knew existed five years ago. But the finance industry, which has embraced ever more ESG products promising to address issues like climate change and inequality, is starting to strike back, arguing that Republican policies put the financial security of US savers in serious jeopardy.

“DeSantis’s decision is clearly tied to politics because it’s certainly not in the best interest of pension fund beneficiaries,” according to Bryan McGannon, director of policy and programs at US SIF, a Washington-based group that supports sustainable investment businesses. “Reading between the lines, DeSantis is ultimately saying that climate change is a non-pecuniary issue putting the long-term savings of Florida pensioners at risk. That just doesn’t make sense.”

Florida and Texas politicians are furious that investors are investing to achieve higher returns instead of the crap industries homed in their states. DeSantis and Abbot are effectively putting a 3% tax* on the savings of people who live in their states. Just another example of Republican supporters voting against their own interests.

*US large-cap sustainable equity funds focused on growth rose at an average annual rate of 14% in the period, compared with 11% for conventional non-ESG funds, according to data provided by Morningstar Inc.
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The line between the two is very thin...
Personally, I'd prefer a world where we didn't need governments. Where people just got up each day and were awesome!

I guess we are not there yet for another few millennia if we survive that long.
No. It is not. Every single “Marxist” movement is or was hard-right. Lenin, Mao, Kim, the Congo etc. I cannot point to one instance if a collective society bigger than a kibbutz.

Your last sentiment is utopian. That is why Marxism cannot inform a government. It, like all utopian thought, violates human nature.

As for the millennia thing - (barring an asteroid or a full strategic exchange) in a coupla centuries, we will have the tools to change the hard nut at the center of all utopian fails. We will be able to change our natures on a molecular basis.

Oh, there will be war once humanity shatters into a dozen competing species.