Here was my notes when I was mixing batches.. I was doing them in batches of around 200+ gallons "hard to say exact gallons when I used a lot of native soil that was already rich in castings"..
This mix makes around 200 gallons of soil "depending on how much top soil you use"
1 bale of Premier peat "same peat pro mix uses"
1 part mushroom compost
1 1/2- 2 parts native top soil that I sifted
25 litre bag of composted sheep manure
5 gal bucket of chicken manure that's been composted for over 5+ years
5 gal bucket of pig manure that's been composted for over 5+ years
A bucket full of rabbit manure "normal size bathroom size trash can".
1 1/2 - 2 cups of dolomite lime
1 1/2- 2 cups of epsom salt
A couple heaping handfuls of oyster shells
A few heaping handfuls of alfalfa pellets
Perlite "added by eyeballing it"
8 cups of Gaia Green All Purpose
8 cups of Gaia Green Power Bloom
A heaping handful of eggshell powder
Worm Castings " several handfuls and also a lot in the native topsoil"
50 litres of sea compost " composted seaweed and shellfish"
A couple handfuls of green sand
A small handful of kelp meal "I didn't have much left of this stuff"
I will also be adding bat guano later this summer
I did a soil test on the mix and its showing 6.8 - 6.9, I will continue to monitor it but its looking good so far..
Hopefully they will take well to the mix and start to explode in growth soon..
Looking back, they sure did explode in growth..
I added some bokashi pro gro, about 2 cups per plant "ill get more of this stuff next year"
I also topdress every 3-4 weeks with Gaia Green 4-4-4 and Gaia Green 2-8-4, they have 1 more feeding to go and most likely that will be just 2-8-4.
Along side the top dressing, I do molasses teas once a week,.
Dirty Dancing
When I first put her in the bed.
This was taking a few days ago "I need to get more pics, they are growing by the day"
Roadkill OG
When I first put her in the bed.
This one also was take a few days ago