Was Trump stupid for claiming credit for "the vaccine" , will Democrats use that to fuck him in his fat ass as their own vaccine regret intensifies?

No its not.
I asked for a proper link to the data. Let me reword. Can you supply credible links to this data.
The Jumble link is not proper or credible. They even have a banner across the top stating they are merging with NASDAQ. ....
The problem is you think it's not credible if it does not come from CNN or MSNbC, you think it's credible if it comes from Pravda. I provided you with the most credible le news sources in the US. Perhaps the world at this point.
Yes my data comes from the US military. I k ow it's not the democrat/fake media hand feeding you bull shit that you will only believe coming from them but it is real no matter if you believe it from your fantasy land or not. In your world men can get pregnant. Your media tells you it's true so it must be right?
Your media also told you for 6 fuckj g years Russia collusion was real and Hubters laptop was a fake. Well guess what? They lied to you once again and did it for over 6 years solid concerning the Russian collusion lie. The Democrat party and their MI ions in government say something. Their media spreads the lie as if it were truth and Moro Moro think its true. Well it's not and we have been proving it for years now. It's so bad your media sources are not trusted at all. The shoe js on the other foot now. It js you who must provide credible ke sources and no it's not CNN or MSDNC or CBS. They have all proven to spread government propaganda
In a sense we are all cousins, it's just how far removed. Now how about a hug ?

View attachment 5190835
Having sex with underage relatives would be a very Democrat thing to do. The left always projects it's crimes on others.
(Ashley Biden diary) Hunter Bidens laptop
He was having sex with his underage niece on video on his laptop. Maybe that will get some of the leftists In here to get horney and run and watch it. The difference between them and normal human being is they enjoy it and think it's OK
The problem is you think it's not credible if it does not come from CNN or MSNbC, you think it's credible if it comes from Pravda. I provided you with the most credible le news sources in the US. Perhaps the world at this point.
Yes my data comes from the US military. I k ow it's not the democrat/fake media hand feeding you bull shit that you will only believe coming from them but it is real no matter if you believe it from your fantasy land or not. In your world men can get pregnant. Your media tells you it's true so it must be right?
Your media also told you for 6 fuckj g years Russia collusion was real and Hubters laptop was a fake. Well guess what? They lied to you once again and did it for over 6 years solid concerning the Russian collusion lie. The Democrat party and their MI ions in government say something. Their media spreads the lie as if it were truth and Moro Moro think its true. Well it's not and we have been proving it for years now. It's so bad your media sources are not trusted at all. The shoe js on the other foot now. It js you who must provide credible ke sources and no it's not CNN or MSDNC or CBS. They have all proven to spread government propaganda
Only an idiot would think its credible. They had a banner saying there were merging with a stock market.

Its not up to me to supply anything. I live in a country with a very high vaccination rate. With a free'er press than America (Free Assange btw). What you say isn't happening.
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Having sex with underage relatives would be a very Democrat thing to do. The left always projects it's crimes on others.
(Ashley Biden diary) Hunter Bidens laptop
He was having sex with his underage niece on video on his laptop. Maybe that will get some of the leftists In here to get horney and run and watch it. The difference between them and normal human being is they enjoy it and think it's OK

I wouldn't want to be Hunter Biden after the Democrats dump Joe Biden. That will probably happen after the midterm elections.

It's possible Hunter will have an unfortunate accident before then or "suicide" himself.
I live in a country with a very high vaccination rate. With a free'er press than America (Free Assange btw).

Is the very high "vaccination" rate because people were clamoring for it or is it because a controlling government was pushing people towards that by imposing loss of freedom of movement, lockdowns, forcible quarantine, etc. ?

Good ideas don't require force. On the other hand, repelling bad ideas, like mandatory poisonous injections that violate consent...no wait, you guys gave up your guns, never mind. So sorry.

Assange? Him, Caitlin Johnstone and Crocodile Dundee are the best things about that prison colony you live in. They don't force you to drink Foster's beer do they? Cuz that shit is evil! :D
Libertarianism is in violation of basic human nature and history.

Actually libertarianism (small l ) is in harmony with individual freedom and seeks agreement and consent as a normative way for humans to interact. Although, I'd prefer people use the term "voluntaryism".

It doesn't begin with the assumption that it's correct for some people who call themselves "government" to be able to use offensive force, while others, "subjects." are forbidden to use defensive force. That's the same description that fits a master / slave relationship isn't it?

Human nature is to be free,. Those who wish to enslave, rule over others and create a force based hierarchy occur throughout history, that's true. Something evil which reoccurs isn't an example of "human nature" though, that's more of an example of the human condition. Until that condition changes and people have real freedom, there will be turmoil. THAT, is the history of the world, the struggle for freedom.

I'm sorry you are afraid of actual freedom. those of you who are brainwashed into accepting your servitude remind me of slaves that bicker over who has the best master. It's like you think discussions on how to improve the condition of the enslaved while maintaining the plantations is a representation of some kind of freedom. It isn't, it is an example of your failure to recognize humans are for the most part, brainwashed and endlaved.
Free range slavery is an invention to increase the harvest, it works...if you run the plantations.
It's well known Presidents get blamed and take credit for events that occur during their reign. Sometimes they have little influence on these things, but Trump clearly wanted to bathe in the glory of "his" warp speed "vaccine" release? Should he recant in light of the obvious issues this presents?
Can you explain what is so obvious? The only obvious thing is that Democrats are criminals. What fucking idiot actually thinks Biden is better for America. Yea things are so much better now. I have been saving money so $12-$20 for a gallon of gas is no big deal.3 years ago propane was $1.27 now at a bulk discount is $2.22.
California plans to shut down another nuclear power plant. Governor brags, Soon you can only buy electric cars. Rolling blackouts are no big deal. Turn off your AC, water your lawn and do NOTHING to save water either.

Clearly Democrats are a better choice to FUCK UP EVERYTHING.
Can you explain what is so obvious? The only obvious thing is that Democrats are criminals. What fucking idiot actually thinks Biden is better for America. Yea things are so much better now. I have been saving money so $12-$20 for a gallon of gas is no big deal.3 years ago propane was $1.27 now at a bulk discount is $2.22.
California plans to shut down another nuclear power plant. Governor brags, Soon you can only buy electric cars. Rolling blackouts are no big deal. Turn off your AC, water your lawn and do NOTHING to save water either.

Clearly Democrats are a better choice to FUCK UP EVERYTHING.
someone gets it
Only an idiot would think its credible. They had a banner saying there were merging with a stock market.

Its not up to me to supply anything. I live in a country with a very high vaccination rate. With a free'er press than America (Free Assange btw). What you say isn't happening.
Free the Aussie Cossack ! It is happe ei g and you are brainwashed , yes free assange too!
What do you think about the second part....will those who got "vaccinated" regret their choice ? Should they?
I know a few people who had substantial negative reactions, regret their "choice", and won't get any more jabs. One of them got shingles from the jab, and another ended up passing out cold immediately after the shot for a few minutes and felt terrible for a week after.
I know a few people who had substantial negative reactions, regret their "choice", and won't get any more jabs. One of them got shingles from the jab, and another ended up passing out cold immediately after the shot for a few minutes and felt terrible for a week after.
the guy who “follows the science” backing an argument using anecdotal evidence.

I know a few people who had substantial negative reactions, regret their "choice", and won't get any more jabs. One of them got shingles from the jab, and another ended up passing out cold immediately after the shot for a few minutes and felt terrible for a week after.
Placebos work for a reason
Medical care starts with belief and these people you say :roll: leaned that way from square one
Actually I was simply answering a specific question, which you can tell by the fact that I quoted it in my post. Your feeble attempts to discredit any post which you don't have a real response for as "anecdote" or "straw-man" is pathetic and tired. Broken record.
In that instance, stop deploying them.
I was responding to a question from another member, in which you were not even involved. You chose to inject yourself by making a disingenuous assertion of "anecdote".
What you call disingenuous is plainly correct. You imply that your anecdote means something generalizable.