Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!


Well-Known Member
I like it pink with no blood. @curious2garden is going to tell us it’s not blood… if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck.
pink I can do just fine, it's when I see blood I'm grossed out. :hump: Just think we ate meat raw at some point in evolution, like dogs. :shock: I remember people eating raw burger when I was a kid....ewwww! It was supposedly safer then.

Well I was going to cut up the trees into firewood today. I skidded the logs over near my garage, and everything else is cleaned up, but my back is a little too sore for that today.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I have gotten that at restaurants... I can't do medium rare.

You guys are making me hungry again. I wish I had bacon I'd make breakfast!!
Yeah, I'm not going say how I'm slicing up some homemade bacon right now bongsmilie

Strike 2. I always have reserve bacon in my freezer.
Always :blsmoke:

I like it pink with no blood. @curious2garden is going to tell us it’s not blood… if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck.
Same here. But I don't mind some blood. Actually I've been wanting some blood sausage. Nobody ever has it :(


Well-Known Member
Mornin.....it's a steamy one here........hope everyone is ok and doing good...

woke up this morning to a 76F and steamy...humidity it's at 80% right now and from the looks of it, yeah we are getting rain this weekend.......high today 93F......hopefully the south wind will prevail this evening.....

welp time to get this coffee in me and these taco's went with lingua with lettuce and tomato little hot sauce....and there goes the taste buds.......peace...


Well-Known Member
Mine did scorch on the tops from getting full sun and no water during our hottest week. If you could find a shady spot you might squeak by, but yeesh. Your poor lawn :[
Lawns are mostly OK, they get watered 3 times a week. I need to soak my roses before this hits. The only tomatoes I am getting are from a volunteer plant that is close to the ground. I guess I could get some seeds and try to grow chives. I have a shady spot that is overtaken by 3 cornered leeks in the winter.
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