Vaccinated stay contagious longer than Unvaccinated

Speaking of evil, why would a vaccine manufacturer be given some kind of legal immunity exemption from harms their concoctions cause ?

Doesn't that cause you even a little bit of concern?
I don't get to play arrogant or smart with my health, I have hypercholesterolemia and had my 1st heart attack at 35 years of age.

I don't get to determine what other people do with their body....because it's not my body. Sorry you've got some health issues.
I don't get to determine what other people do with their body....because it's not my body. Sorry you've got some health issues.
Try and send a child to school without a long list of vaccinations.... this is daily life... nothing new here...
Try and send a child to school without a long list of vaccinations.... this is daily life... nothing new here...

In a real free market (if it were allowed to exist) you could send your kid to a school that didn't require "vaccinations". If there weren't one around, you and your friends could start one without a bunch of bullshit red tape.

Those who want to go to a vaccination school have every right to do so, no right to force your kid to or to make you pay for it, if you don't send your kids there.
“Free market” has zero to do with Public Health

So when people were imbibing "illegal" medical marijuana it was only having a placebo effect and would only work if it were legal and approved by the overlords?

Okay, what is "public health" ?
except defund it as a collectivist idea.

It is worth remembering that libertarianism is about as legitimate as scientology.

There is nothing wrong with people collecting or pooling their individual resources as long as they don't try to confiscate disinterested parties resources or labor and rape them literally or figureatively in the process.

In a libertarian world, voluntary socialism by those who want it is tolerated.

In a socialist world, threats of gun use are behind every "suggestion" for declining an "offer".

That would be the field of science relating to the health of individual people as well as the health of the whole community. Also . How those concerns interplay.