Mar- A Lago raided FBI Warrants

Pay with a golden toilet from trump tower. He will not pay them . His name is poison. …..
Lost track on all the financial lawsuits and stiffed workers.
Trump brand is actually worse than the “ made in chi-na “ labels.
Only degenerate inbreds will flaunt streetwear akin to “ I’m with Stupid “.
It’s required cult wear.

Wonder if they have to wear “ trump saves “ underroos like the mormons ….

( no disrespect to Mormons :bigjoint: ) My company has mormon staff and they do wear magic underwear.
I don’t see it your way and how that “proves the big lie”, but I haven’t just finished 15 pints of Carlton either.
Me either, mind you I'm not a fan of Carlton. Went for a ride and I've been down the marina workin on the boat. Been a beautiful day
So how do you see it?
I certainly don't. Life is awesome and the future looks like fun but in Teflon Dons case the past seems to be his future. What is it around 18 months since he tried to take over the country and not even arrested? Privilege at play.
Appeal to emotion notwithstanding, past performance is a guideline, but not a basis for more than speculation. You presented an assumption as certain.

Is that man a greasy weasel? Yes. But the current DOJ appears to be constructing a trap up to the job. The business with his treason probably costing the lives of numerous unofficial human assets is unprecedented even for him. I do not think the old events can be extrapolated with confidence, in light of that.
The aphorism of not counting one’s chickens until they’re plucked, broken down and stacked in zip bags in the freezer applies.
Appeal to emotion notwithstanding, past performance is a guideline, but not a basis for more than speculation. You presented an assumption as certain.

Is that man a greasy weasel? Yes. But the current DOJ appears to be constructing a trap up to the job. The business with his treason probably costing the lives of numerous unofficial human assets is unprecedented even for him. I do not think the old events can be extrapolated with confidence. The aphorism of not counting one’s chickens until they’re plucked, broken down and stacked in zip bags in the freezer applies.
Teflon Don has been sliding out of everything for a very, very long time. Probably before he slid through the draft. I appreciate you and other peoples conviction that he will be held accountable and actually punished for his crimes but I don't think much will happen. Can I see Americans putting a President in gaol for decades if not life? Nope. If he was a black president then it might be a different story.
I hope it happens and it would be a great turning point for American politics. It would solidify that the election wasn't stolen, that he was a bad president and that mistakes were made and that measures should be put in place so that someone like him doesn't happen again.

But i hope im proved wrong. And proved wrong quickly as its (Trumps life of crime) dragged on for long enough.
I could just turn off the news and have a much better life. But I feel that is irresponsible, if everyone buried their head in the sand we would be in a sorry state, don't you agree?
I think every citizen should follow their countries politics, even just a little bit. It helps people know who and what they are voting for. Every adult citizen should also vote so that the whole country have their say.
Most news services are supplied with spin so just listening to someone tell you the news doesn't necessarily make it facts.
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but I haven’t just finished 15 pints of Carlton either.
I know how you love to think of me drinking so i thought id update you. Its 5:30 pm and im on my first glass of wine. Ill follow that with a second then it will be time for the slow cooked lamb shanks in maple syrup (yes, real Canadian not the fake shit) and orange juice. Washed down with another glass of wine of cause. Maple syrup and orange juice sounds strange together but just works. It also works well with Venison shanks. I shall then have a cone and switch to beer and ill probably have between 4 and 7 cans of XXXX Gold.

I hate it when my doc asks how much i drink. She looks at me in
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