Is Biden really that bad?

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I care if Trump gets arrested or not because I believe in justice
Are you assuming I don't? I hate the prick. Hated him from back in the 70's when I first met him. But I wont waste my time "hoping" he gets sent to jail because he's been getting away with this type of shit all of his life. I really wouldn't care if he dropped dead. Matter of fact that would bring a smile to my face :eek:
Say it slowly democrats, so you can understand. Its called E N E R G Y I N D E P E N D E N C E.


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I know you guys love communism and everything, but in case anybody changes their mind and wants a free America:

Told ya Joe was smart, a lot smarter than many had him figured for. The fight for liberal democracy in America and globally should have been the policy for decades, not propping up corrupt assholes at home and abroad.
I know you guys love communism and everything, but in case anybody changes their mind and wants a free America:

Anyone having a problem with a disinformation board is more than likely distributing disinformation.

Who is upset about this again? Oh Yeah, that’s right, Republicans.
Anyone having a problem with a disinformation board is more than likely distributing disinformation.

Who is upset about this again? Oh Yeah, that’s right, Republicans.
Telling the truth is a terrible thing for republicans, perhaps they should start contesting individual items on the board? Go to court for liable?

The Judge ruling for a special master said as part of her ruling, "Mister Trump could suffer reputational damage"! Jesus Christ!
I know you guys love communism and everything, but in case anybody changes their mind and wants a free America:

Did the bad man point out that most of what you believe is made up?

Oh noes.

Here is a picture of me, alpha male-lion with tribal/Teutonic tatoos, wearing a shirt I made just for you.

I know you guys love communism and everything, but in case anybody changes their mind and wants a free America:

Find one (1) post in the last 6 months that advocates installing communism, i. e. fascism in either Lenin or Mao elaboration.
Told ya Joe was smart, a lot smarter than many had him figured for. The fight for liberal democracy in America and globally should have been the policy for decades, not propping up corrupt assholes at home and abroad.
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Sure, if you call democracy high crime, drugs, and inflation..... and open borders. Yeah sure, thats real democratic. No choice in your kids school, super democratic. Less gun rights, more democracy! Less cops yay!!! Less vaccine choice also means more democracy in Bizarro Biden land.
Sure, if you call democracy high crime, drugs, and inflation..... and open borders. Yeah sure, thats real democratic. No choice in your kids school, super democratic. Less gun rights, more democracy! Less cops yay!!! Less vaccine choice also means more democracy in Bizarro Biden land.
Cool. Hey, what was the average number of barrels of foreign oil we imported daily under Trump?
Telling the truth is a terrible thing for republicans, perhaps they should start contesting individual items on the board? Go to court for liable?

The Judge ruling for a special master said as part of her ruling, "Mister Trump could suffer reputational damage"! Jesus Christ!
It will be interesting to see how much this judge will have in her bank account in a few years. trump has a lot of grift money so it’s not inconceivable that a judge can be bought.

Especially a trump appointed judge.
Oh wow. Such a powerful statement. I'm reeling.

Except no evidence of any significant issues or fraud with mail in ballots in 2020. None. Here in Oregon mail in ballots are all we use. The last time there was an issue was when a Republican poll worker was charged with fraud.

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Lol, suddenly the Republicans think that the French system of government is ok.

What a maroon.
I care if Trump gets arrested or not because I believe in justice
i believe in justice, i just know better than to think the same standards get applied to wealthy people as to poor people...
even though trump is actually broke, on paper he is rich, and that affords him special treatment. he can afford to hire lawyers to put a lot of shit off till the people suing him just fucking die of old age, or run out of money. he can put off bigger cases till they fade from public memory, and then shit gets swept under the table...
when trump is indicted and thrown in a cell...when ONE billionaire is arrested and thrown in a cell...when one rich fuckers spoiled entitled kid gets in trouble and gets a real sentence...then i'll believe in justice for the common people
Any time some dipshit mentions energy independence, it means that they are so dumb that they think that the US did not import oil under Trump and, therefore, were somehow immune to the global oil price.

This is because they are not smart and believe Tucker Carlson's stilted arguments.

Under Trump, the US imported around 10 million barrels per day of foreign oil. We still do, but now the price is higher everywhere in the world. The price wasn't go to stay at zero forever. In spring of 2020, Trump even negotiated with the Saudis and Russians to raise the oil price because American oil fields could not compete.
It will be interesting to see how much this judge will have in her bank account in a few years. trump has a lot of grift money so it’s not inconceivable that a judge can be bought.

Especially a trump appointed judge.
She had better have bigger balls than tits, there are a million eyes on her and expert legal professionals are humiliating her incompetence on TV every night of the week. Trump would have appealed anyway, this just gets a stage or two out of the way before the election and then they indict him. Garland's only issue with it is the precedent it sets if it goes unchallenged, he wants to delay indicting Trump and I figure would like Georgia to indict him first for a TV trial with a slam dunk case, play the recording as exhibit A.

Another bonus of delay could be if the democrats win a useful majority, they would pass anti terrorism legislation before Trump is indicted. Then the feds would have the tools to deal with the assholes and boy, what a surprise many of them would get, the free ride is over and your white privilege has been cancelled with the feds. However I do believe Donald will be indicted over the secret documents shortly after the election. I can't see this continuing long if Garland appeals the ruling and they should be ready to indict after the election.
I can't believe they let Joe ramble on for so long about maga this and that, and completely ignore all the issues. Nothing about crime, zero about inflation, gas, or the border. Not a word about education, only hate. It really did sound like a hate speech. The desperation is setting in. Democrats know they have no issues to run on, so they just insult the other side. Its pathetic and childish on every level. Even with the election 2 years away, and an endless supply of merry witch hunts.......democrats are still losing sleep over Trump.
I can't believe they let Joe ramble on for so long about maga this and that, and completely ignore all the issues. Nothing about crime, zero about inflation, gas, or the border. Not a word about education, only hate. It really did sound like a hate speech. The desperation is setting in. Democrats know they have no issues to run on, so they just insult the other side. Its pathetic and childish on every level. Even with the election 2 years away, and an endless supply of merry witch hunts.......democrats are still losing sleep over Trump.
Did you miss Trumps latest rally?
So full of love :shock:
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