New but not


New Member
Hi all!

First all thanks for the time with this post! Second…. I am new but I also have a few grows under my belt.
I am roughly12 hrs from harvest they have been under 24 hr light. But my question is during my for 2photos I was give rough information and ran to many plant not enough light. So I am here now asking how Many decent photo periods can be growin in a39x39x72 marshydro, 1 mars hydro 4” in life w filter. 2 10” desk fans and a 4” in line fane pulling fresh in. For lights I have 2 FamursTF1200 averages out to be 110 true wall watts. Geowing in roots 707 and Gia green organic 444 & 284 & worm castings, oyster shell for cal, bocca hydro mag, sea bird guano for extra help as well myco. Water would be pH6.5 with black strap. With all this information I want to grow an incredible plant how many can be done? Photos attached are of my two autos runs



Well-Known Member
Hi all!

First all thanks for the time with this post! Second…. I am new but I also have a few grows under my belt.
I am roughly12 hrs from harvest they have been under 24 hr light. But my question is during my for 2photos I was give rough information and ran to many plant not enough light. So I am here now asking how Many decent photo periods can be growin in a39x39x72 marshydro, 1 mars hydro 4” in life w filter. 2 10” desk fans and a 4” in line fane pulling fresh in. For lights I have 2 FamursTF1200 averages out to be 110 true wall watts. Geowing in roots 707 and Gia green organic 444 & 284 & worm castings, oyster shell for cal, bocca hydro mag, sea bird guano for extra help as well myco. Water would be pH6.5 with black strap. With all this information I want to grow an incredible plant how many can be done? Photos attached are of my two autos runs
Nice looking plants. In that size tent/set-up I'd grow 1 auto. You could fit 2 in there for a while, but they'll get pretty crowded as they spread out. I would not harvest in 12 hrs. We could all use more light.


New Member
Nice looking plants. In that size tent/set-up I'd grow 1 auto. You could fit 2 in there for a while, but they'll get pretty crowded as they spread out. I would not harvest in 12 hrs. We could all use more light.
I realize now I should not have been as ripped writing this I have been on a 20/4 light schedule and currently are in there 24 hr dark phase


Well-Known Member
Is your tent 3feet by 3 feet and if you got 2 light that's 110 each then that's 220w you will need at least 200 more watts I think


Well-Known Member
O and sorry I think just depends on the size of plants you want but I run 2 plants in. 2/4 tent and it's a tight fit so I would say 2/3 plants max


Well-Known Member
I realize now I should not have been as ripped writing this I have been on a 20/4 light schedule and currently are in there 24 hr dark phase
It's cool, I do that all the time and don't know what I've read or writing. I think I heard a round of 'amens' in the background. Good luck.