First plant. No clue when to chop her been flowering for about 13 weeks.

Hey friends. First plant I have grown. Very short but the buds are pretty big. Been flowering for about 13 weeks. Not sure how long I should wait as the trichomes are still relatively clear in some areas but Amber in Others. Thanks

pictures attached



Well-Known Member
Hey friends. First plant I have grown. Very short but the buds are pretty big. Been flowering for about 13 weeks. Not sure how long I should wait as the trichomes are still relatively clear in some areas but Amber in Others. Thanks

pictures attached
Those are some leafy buds..... when all the pistils have turned brown and receded, then start looking at trichomes.

Herb & Suds

Well-Known Member
If she revegs does it just take long for the buds to mature. ? Thanks again.
I guess you can let it grow as long as possible
It is what it is now
A reveg increases flower time by a couple months
Just keep it alive as long as possible although your flowers will be airy and leafy it will still be smokable if you wait long enough
Sorry :roll:


Well-Known Member
You can actually overdo the EWC. Leafy sucks for trimming or selling. But if it’s for you I wouldn’t worry too much about it.
I've made that mistake once. Was maggot drunk and grabbed the bag of dry castings thinking it was peat moss. Threw like 10L castings, 5L compost and 5L perlite, potted up some seedlings and wondered why my plants looked a little worse for wear after a few days.

Checked on them like two days later and wondered why they looked like they were in pots of sludge.
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