Lights too close to canopy


Active Member
My lights are around 6-9 inches from the top of my canopy. My plants are starting to look stressed and I'm thinking the light intensity may be too high. I just dimmed the lights down from 100 percent to 40. The lux meter on my phone is now reading 60000 which is as high as it will go so I have no idea how high the intensity was before.

Anyway my concern is, did I lower the intensity too much? I have never finished a grow with the lights so low.


Well-Known Member
My lights are around 6-9 inches from the top of my canopy. My plants are starting to look stressed and I'm thinking the light intensity may be too high. I just dimmed the lights down from 100 percent to 40. The lux meter on my phone is now reading 60000 which is as high as it will go so I have no idea how high the intensity was before.

Anyway my concern is, did I lower the intensity too much? I have never finished a grow with the lights so low.
Bend the tops down or supercrop if you're not too far into flower.


Well-Known Member

Assume you can't raise light....

I had a similar problem, burnt the tips of 3 colas, couldn't raise light anymore.

So I tried monster cropping but the branches just straghtened out to the same spot.

So I tied the branches to some 1" pcv in my tent and tightened the tie downs until the were out of the high heat zone. Works.



Well-Known Member
I'm not very experienced but I'm thinking about what I'd do if I was in this situation and it's pretty much what you've done. My initial thought was that 40% mightve been too low, but I don't know what light it is and even if I did I still wouldn't know for sure. I measure light intensity with ppfd. I've never used the lux meter. You might could switch to ppfd just to get an idea how much of a change in intensity it is between 100-40.