Political memes ONLY.. To prove your political points.

how can that black little heart, all full of big mac grease, keep pumping the green bile that is trump's blood under this much stress?
something is going to blow soon, and hot burger grease will shoot 200 feet into the air, with the pumpkin he uses as a head balanced on top of the fountain.
sure hope someone catches that on video
how can that black little heart, all full of big mac grease, keep pumping the green bile that is trump's blood under this much stress?
something is going to blow soon, and hot burger grease will shoot 200 feet into the air, with the pumpkin he uses as a head balanced on top of the fountain.
sure hope someone catches that on video
Good job on not name calling :lol:
how can that black little heart, all full of big mac grease, keep pumping the green bile that is trump's blood under this much stress?
something is going to blow soon, and hot burger grease will shoot 200 feet into the air, with the pumpkin he uses as a head balanced on top of the fountain.
sure hope someone catches that on video
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