I know I'm an old ass stoner that smokes a lot of herb, but this contest is confusing the hell out of me..
Am I too late?
What kind of story am I suppose to tell you? My almost 17 years of growing experience with HID's "cause Im a broke ass old man with lot of bills and kids that eat a ton of food". Or my broke ass bank account story that spent too much on my outdoor garden setup this year "to help feed these hungry mouths" and now I can't talk my wife into getting a nice LED this year, too much money spent and too many kids going back to school..
Im just not sure what Im suppose to do here, or where Im suppose to do it at..
Do you want to see a pic?
How about 2 of them, will that help?
They say 3rd time is the charm..
Maybe you want to see my veggie/fruit garden that I'm building, my wife is still pissed at me.. She did not like me spending our vacation money on dirt this year, it's hard to explain to your wife "hey baby, I just spent 1200+ on dirt".. Needless to say that still has not gone over too well.. "but Ill have a damn bell pepper sometime this year"!... "if the coons don't eat them first"
I'd go snap more pics if that's a requirement, but it's a bit dark outside and I don't want to deal with foxes, so you would have to wait until the sun came up
Edit: I forgot to add #marshydro13th & #marshydro
PS: I'll go snap pics tonight in the dark and fight off the foxes, if it's what I was suppose to do to get an entry here

haha "that may be asking a lot, these foxes are a bit rough over here".