Mars Hydro 13th Anniversary Celebration Giveaway!

#marshydro13th #marshydro


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I know I'm an old ass stoner that smokes a lot of herb, but this contest is confusing the hell out of me..

Am I too late?

What kind of story am I suppose to tell you? My almost 17 years of growing experience with HID's "cause Im a broke ass old man with lot of bills and kids that eat a ton of food". Or my broke ass bank account story that spent too much on my outdoor garden setup this year "to help feed these hungry mouths" and now I can't talk my wife into getting a nice LED this year, too much money spent and too many kids going back to school..

Im just not sure what Im suppose to do here, or where Im suppose to do it at..

Do you want to see a pic?

How about 2 of them, will that help? :)

They say 3rd time is the charm..

Maybe you want to see my veggie/fruit garden that I'm building, my wife is still pissed at me.. She did not like me spending our vacation money on dirt this year, it's hard to explain to your wife "hey baby, I just spent 1200+ on dirt".. Needless to say that still has not gone over too well.. "but Ill have a damn bell pepper sometime this year"!... "if the coons don't eat them first"

I'd go snap more pics if that's a requirement, but it's a bit dark outside and I don't want to deal with foxes, so you would have to wait until the sun came up :)

Edit: I forgot to add #marshydro13th & #marshydro :)

PS: I'll go snap pics tonight in the dark and fight off the foxes, if it's what I was suppose to do to get an entry here :) haha "that may be asking a lot, these foxes are a bit rough over here".
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I re read the requirements, still confusing me.. "I had to smoke another one".

Are you asking me to tell you my story over and over again on every social media platform out there?

I already know Im a broke ass that cant buy LED's this year, RIU knows it now after these posts, does Twitter need to know, Facebook? I can even Instagram and tell people Im a dumbass that spent too much money on dirt, now my wife is pissed, wont buy me even a 15 watt cfl, and Im trying to enter a contest that has me telling my story everywhere?

Im just a bit confused here on where I should tell you my story, and who all needs to hear it :)

I can grow, I've been growing for over 16+ years, I bought cheap ass HID's almost 17 years ago and they are now starting to act up, "I got my use out of them for sure" and now I am going to be needing to replace them and I got a pissed off wife that wont let me spend anymore money..

I'm going to limp by this year with what I can, but next year I'll be back pushing her again.. "Next year I bet she hides the vacation money better!" lol.

Edit: Forgot the #marshydro13th & #marshydro again..
If you didn't laugh at any of that then you have no humor lol.. :)

It's true tho, my wife is super crazy pissed at me for spending all our vacation money "more then 2 grand".. She's said I took her vacation away from her this year and is now trying to blame me for the kids needing glasses..

There is no way in hell I am even bringing up the idea of getting lights yet, if mine go "I'll develop new tech... candles and bic lighters".

Everything for the rest of the year is my fault.. A frog jumps in front of a moving semi, "its my fault for spending her vacation money, she could have used some of it to save that frog"..

Wish a budget grower luck this year, I may need it.

Edit:.. S**T I keep forgetting... #marshydro13th & #marshydro
#marshydro13th #marshydro
Hope everyone is having a great week
I'm in week 5 of flower.
dropped a new video the other day check it out!Screenshot_20220906-171928~2.png

Hope everyone is havin a great one and thanks too mars for this amazing opportunity #marshydro13th #marshydro may who ever wins share some great content :) cheers been loving the fc3000 on my 3x3 but its time too upgrade!20220908_020922.jpg20220908_020932.jpg
Have you shared your story with marshydro today? If you have no idea how to entry this story contest. Let's follow up this guideline to get things easier started:

[1] If you're using marshydro equipment, when you post videos/ photos/write the texts on social networks such as YTB, FB,INSTA,Forums,etc. Your content shall include the following tips:

How long you grow with marshydro ?
What marshydro equipment you are using?
What the grow stage for the plants now?
What’s your your feelings/comments about marshydro?

For example:
I have been growing with mars hydro for 7 years now with 1 light so far and its still running great........ #marshydro13th #marshydro

[2] If you not have chance to own a marshydro equipment, the easiest way is to provide us some good suggestion/idea when you post videos/photos/texts, and add #marshydro13th #marshydro

For exmaple:
I have no chance to own marshydro led and tent,but I....
I watched marshydro website, I think...........
I do have a good idea/suggestion for marshydro .......

The most important that don't forget to fill your story links on the spreadsheets:


We will announce the winner on September 15th!
You want to hear how broke I am again?

Im even more broke today then I was yesterday.. Even after Spending 2k on dirt this summer and pissing off my wife to no ends, I decided to piss her off even more and got an LED light yesterday..

So now I got 2k buxs worth of dirt sitting in the ground "ironic", an LED light "that I shouldn't have bought, but couldn't pass up" and no tent to put it in..

So I have no chance of owning a Mars Hydro 4x8 tent unless I either win it "plz" or it goes on a flash sale at the same time that my wife is more calm..

#marshydro13th #marshydro
What would really suck is if this 4x8 went on a flash sale, the wife is calm, but the bank account hasn't recovered..

I need perfect timing to get this tent, otherwise it's going to be looking like a Trailer Park Boys grow up in here, with aluminum foil all over the walls :)

#marshydro13th #marshydro
Been using marshydro lights for 2 years. Plants are 4-5 weeks in flower. Some more. Some less. I’m using the ts2000. I like it.

I prolly did that all wrong. Post the website to. Why can’t we go back to pick a number.
I have been growing with mars hydro now for about 2 years and still going strong i am growing in my 3x3 tent with a fc3000 mars hydro bar light 300w, so far there is no complaints at all about this light but great things theres been some amazong grows under this light and just keeps showing me wrong every time i grow new plants under it,my plants are currently in veg and im about to flip the light to 12/12 to stsrt getting some big juice buds! I currently got 4 beautiful landrace under them and if i would have to say anything at all than I woukd only say keep doing what ever it is because it seems to be catching everyones eyes :) any once again thank you very much #marshydro for this amazing opportunity and love
Have you shared your story with marshydro today? If you have no idea how to entry this story contest. Let's follow up this guideline to get things easier started:

[1] If you're using marshydro equipment, when you post videos/ photos/write the texts on social networks such as YTB, FB,INSTA,Forums,etc. Your content shall include the following tips:

How long you grow with marshydro ?
What marshydro equipment you are using?
What the grow stage for the plants now?
What’s your your feelings/comments about marshydro?

For example:
I have been growing with mars hydro for 7 years now with 1 light so far and its still running great........ #marshydro13th #marshydro

[2] If you not have chance to own a marshydro equipment, the easiest way is to provide us some good suggestion/idea when you post videos/photos/texts, and add #marshydro13th #marshydro

For exmaple:
I have no chance to own marshydro led and tent,but I....
I watched marshydro website, I think...........
I do have a good idea/suggestion for marshydro .......

The most important that don't forget to fill your story links on the spreadsheets:


We will announce the winner on September 15th!
Well who's the winner?
Well we know rollaj will win the video since he makes them for a living witch is not fair but such is life maybe he won't win it should be open to amateur videos not pro video makers
Well we know rollaj will win the video since he makes them for a living witch is not fair but such is life maybe he won't win it should be open to amateur videos not pro video makers
I'm humbled brother. It would be sweet to win that. If you ever want my help. I'm more than happy to help with anything. Good luck Buc