Yellowish discoloration on plants


Active Member
I transplanted my plant about a week ago. It’s starting to perk back up.
In a 3 gallon pot
I gave it a feed 2 days ago that included
1 ml camg
1ml bloom
1ml grow
I mixed the feed in a 1 gallon bucket and since the soil was dry I watered until a little runoff at the bottom.
I was only able to pour about half the gallon in

waited for 2 days and now this is how they look

I’m not worried about the one on the bottom as I will pick it off I think it got caught during transport.
but the others

I almost looks like they are gaining green back.



Well-Known Member
Potassium deficiency seen. Up the feed and water by weight. 1/2 gallon is about right for a 3 gallon container.


Well-Known Member
Also hard sided containers suck. Especially a 3 gallon. I use 3 gallon bags and they’re still filled with roots by chop time.


Active Member
Potassium deficiency seen. Up the feed and water by weight. 1/2 gallon is about right for a 3 gallon container.
Do I up the whole feed? (camg, a and b ,bloom and grow)

Also do I wait to feed until dry again or feed now ?

Any suggestions for the potassium deficiency ?


Well-Known Member
Do I up the whole feed? (camg, a and b ,bloom and grow)

Also do I wait to feed until dry again or feed now ?

Any suggestions for the potassium deficiency ?
Check the pH of your feeding after you get it mixed. What nutrients are you using? Litmus paper or the drop test kits are perfectly fine for our purposes. No meter is needed.