Spider Mites

Yeah i am hoping i dont have to use soap at all today is second day of total drench down with citric acid. The first one got rid of ALOT then i looked last night and found just a couple with a good search but i found the couple that must of hid while treating yesterday.
Yeah i am hoping i dont have to use soap at all today is second day of total drench down with citric acid. The first one got rid of ALOT then i looked last night and found just a couple with a good search but i found the couple that must of hid while treating yesterday.
Did you spray the flowers also because I looked this morning and there all over the branches and leaves.
Yes. Choke the hell out of you. Smooth as silk after a winter just drying on the plant in the greenhouse as it was not worth cleaning in fall.
So do you think I should use it or not? I can’t wait that long to try it out :p I have little to know patience.lolOr do you think it would be better to just try to spray them off daily with a spray bottle?
So do you think I should use it or not? I can’t wait that long to try it out :p I have little to know patience.lolOr do you think it would be better to just try to spray them off daily with a spray bottle?
I use my leaf blower and garden hose now. Spider mites are no big issue. A duster on a stick until plants get resin coated. I grab the congregations in the webs at first light with my hands. A good spray of water works. And the leaf blower does also. Avoid nukes.
I use my leaf blower and garden hose now. Spider mites are no big issue.. I grab the congregations in the webs at first light with my hands. A good spray of water works. And the leaf blower does also. Avoid nukes.
A duster on a stick until plants get resin coated. I don’t understand. And I have aphids not spider mites.
A duster on a stick until plants get resin coated. I don’t understand. And I have aphids not spider mites.
A duster for spider mites. Aphids I use Diatomaceous Earth as first treatment. I am suggesting out doors. And I only use the DE if predator bugs do not show up. Soldier bugs, ladybirds and spiders. If heavy infestation I go with Monterey as a last resort.

Fortunately my dish soap and copper preventatives remove pest issues before they start.
A duster for spider mites. Aphids I use Diatomaceous Earth as first treatment. I am suggesting out doors. And I only use the DE if predator bugs do not show up. Soldier bugs, ladybirds and spiders. If heavy infestation I go with Monterey as a last resort.

Fortunately my dish soap and copper preventatives remove pest issues before they start.
Have you ever heard of using rosemary essential oil?
I ironically got some of the best buds from a plant that was in a tent that got infected by spider mites last year. Maybe the stress? Lol
I inadvertently brought in and out a majestic palm from outside and somehow harbored spider mites in that plant. I only realized until there were full out webs on all my almost ready buds! The moment i saw the webs I was like, "No way! Not me!" They transferred over when i rubbed the majestic palm without realizing. I only thought to look at the palm after smoking some thought provoking bud. Sure enough there were thousands upon thousands on the palms. The palm got immediately destroyed.
The next few days were all vacuuming and carefully removing as much of those little things as possible, an uphill battle. A good technique is to wear gloves and plug the majority of the vacuum head allowing a pinhole air vacuum, increases the power and don't even need to get close to the buds this way. I didn't want to spray anything, hydrogen peroxide helped a little but there were too many.
I let them finish the last week or two and cut the entire plant as one (important), washed her immediately with baking soda/peroxide/water bath and hung to dry upside down. There will be spider mite crap and eggs left behind so do a thorough wash.
This is where you need to decide, if you kill them now, they will remain where you kill them. Otherwise, as the plant dries, the spider mites will travell along the tree to the base (which is now at the top), and bundle up in a big mass. You wipe them off with a tissue and be sure to catch the ones that try to climb further along the metal coat hanger. I have to use a wet tissue on the hanger hook to keep the mites from going anywhere from there. The plant stayed in the washroom the 2 weeks of drying. They were in the thousands and most likely the hidden eggs even hatched and walked out of the bud areas.
In the end, i managed to save the bomb buds, and only did all that to save the harvest at such a crucial time. Never bring in outdoor plants! And wash your hands when you go outside.
Never bring in outdoor plants!
And wash your hands...

exactly. never.

i am STILL battling spidermites and fungus gnats from some clones i brought in last winter that didn't finish before the bad weather set in. they were infested with spidermites. i had no idea...

i have bleached and neem oiled and insect sprayed every indoor space. but guess what? all it takes is one egg or mite on your fingers when you touch something, go to the next space and transfer the b@stards to your next space.
wash your hands between spaces.

i have killed the spider mites in all but one indoor space. they got onto my zkittles auto plant in 6th week of flower. their population went from one leaf to the entire right side of the plant in a number of days. so aggravating. i have chopped the plant up trying to save what i can and washed the buds in peroxide/water mixture before drying/jarring.
neemed the rest of the fan leaves that remained and watched them come back and spread to the remaining branches... they haven't gotten webby yet, but they have devoured the remaining fans. just going to have to cut the plant and re-nuke clean the space.

the fungus gnats are an ongoing issue as i'm growing with organic soils... they hitch rides in on your worm castings, soil, fertilizers.
sticky traps, mosquito dunks, and air circulation keep them from swarming... but i have never been able to completely get rid of them.