Going to take a drug test for a job today, wish me luck.

I don't think they normally check for pregnancy with urine tests. But they could if they were suspicious. I'm no doctor, but that's my guess.
A urine test is only called a drug test for PR. Is in fact a test across a variety of medical conditions and other potential future liabilities for employers. As well as insurance prerequisites to insure employers business.
A urine test is only called a drug test for PR. Is in fact a test across a variety of medical conditions and other potential future liabilities for employers. As well as insurance prerequisites to insure employers business.
It wouldn't be legal for them to test for anything they want. We have rights. Especially when it comes to medical issues. If they could test for other medical conditions like a bad heart they would be fucked if they didn't hire you for it. I'm not fully sure how it works, but I do know it doesn't work like you think. If you're taking a test for the Air Force to be a fighter pilot of course they're gonna test for more, but that isn't a normal drug test.

I should be just drugs and depending on how much the company that's paying for the test the more more in depth the drug testing would be. As in testing for more drugs or alcohol.

My best friend. I'll introduuce you to Scott when you arrive. And Annete our HR persons husband.
What do you mean "When I arrive"? And Annette is a dude?
It wouldn't be legal for them to test for anything they want. We have rights. Especially when it comes to medical issues. If they could test for other medical conditions like a bad heart they would be fucked if they didn't hire you for it. I'm not fully sure how it works, but I do know it doesn't work like you think.

I should be just drugs and depending on how much the company that's paying for the test the more more in depth the drug testing would be. As in testing for more drugs or alcohol.

What do you mean "When I arrive"? And Annette is a dude?
Scott is not very public. But personable. You must come-to him. And "Annete" is a male from somewhere in Northern Asia. A little smiling Eskimo from the other side of the land bridge.

And you being so versed?
I got it first hand. Scared to giggle it.!
Dude you saved me. There's quite a few stories out there about guys getting caught using women's pee. They say if you're a guy, use a guy's and vice versa. Now the bad luck I thought I experienced was actually good luck. Bc if that place was open I prob wouldn't have passed. And listen to this, I don't know if I already mentioned this but yesterday I got all the way out there and realized I forgot my Themometer. Again, if I would've had that Thermometer and taken the test I prob would've failed. That's pretty crazy. I hope it means I'm meant to get this job. Thanks for posting that. I truly believe you saved me from a mistake.
Dude you saved me. There's quite a few stories out there about guys getting caught using women's pee. They say if you're a guy, use a guy's and vice versa. Now the bad luck I thought I experienced was actually good luck. Bc if that place was open I prob wouldn't have passed. And listen to this, I don't know if I already mentioned this but yesterday I got all the way out there and realized I forgot my Themometer. Again, if I would've had that Thermometer and taken the test I prob would've failed. That's pretty crazy. I hope it means I'm meant to get this job. Thanks for posting that. I truly believe you saved me from a mistake.
What type of job?
Dude you saved me. There's quite a few stories out there about guys getting caught using women's pee. They say if you're a guy, use a guy's and vice versa. Now the bad luck I thought I experienced was actually good luck. Bc if that place was open I prob wouldn't have passed. And listen to this, I don't know if I already mentioned this but yesterday I got all the way out there and realized I forgot my Themometer. Again, if I would've had that Thermometer and taken the test I prob would've failed. That's pretty crazy. I hope it means I'm meant to get this job. Thanks for posting that. I truly believe you saved me from a mistake.
No problem. Was only getting a kick out of retelling stories of my youth. And I try to remain relevant in my perverted mind.
The fucking place was closed! No prior warning, nothing! I had EVERYTHING ready and I get to the door and it says "due to staffing issues, this location is closed". I didn't have time to drive an hour and a half to the open location before they closed for the day. I about lost my damn mind. I was already having a terrible day with the power being out and me sitting here on my day off stressing about bud rot. How many different ways can you Google "how fast can bud rot form"? At least 15 different ways. That's why I didn't leave earlier to go take the test. I wanted to shower and clean up, look professional and then go. I'm sitting here hour after hour waiting for the power so I can shower. Finally I just said fuck it and I went the workers route. I didn't clean up, I put on my construction work cloths and work boots and my story was I was coming directly after work. Now I've gotta get new piss, new condoms and clean them, bc they do not carry non lubricated condoms anywhere anymore, I gotta wash the lube off, more hand warmers, and now I've gotta drive 1.5 hours to get to the place that's open. I hope it's open, no one answers the phone at any of these locations. And when I got home from all this bullshit, with groceries, at 5:30pm, the power was still out! Fml:finger:
What kind of job are you piss testing for?
What type of job?
It's a leak detection company. They detect leaks in water lines in slabs. It just a good gig. Comes with a company truck and better money than I've ever made. I had already started a new job at the beginning of the year, but they're not giving me the hours they said they would. It's really fucking my finances up. I hate starting a new job, but this will be really good for us.

I'm confused about "when I arrive" too. I thought you guys were buddies and you were going to visit him, but then I read on. The other message about rebuttals and alternate facts is hilarious, for some reason, but I have no idea what that means either.