Examples of GOP Leadership

wish he would burn, he took a page out of Abbott's play book on the immigrants.....rumor is, it's a federal crime and can be much worse....
no, he went beyond abbott...while abbott is a complete and total asshole douche bag, he seems to have stayed within the law. he actually told people where they would be going, and they have ample opportunity to get off in several places along the way. as far as i've heard, he didn't lie to any of them, or try to make it impossible for them to comply with the rules they need to follow to stay in the country.
desantis and his drones DID lie to those people, DID make it practically impossible for them to follow the rules, and they sent a camera man along to document their crimes...the republicans have this weird fascination with documenting their crimes...i guess they want to play these documentaries at the next cpac in moscow.
but it sure seems that desantis broke more than one law, at a federal level. i don't think he shares trump's superpower of being able to get away with shit...let's find out.
fascist sue to make fascism mandatory on all social media platforms...removing the rights of owners to police their own platforms...
time to waste time going to the supremely packed court of trump asshole kissers. they may surprise us all, they sure as fuck did once, already...
we REALLY have to get to unpacking ALL the courts as soon as we win the midterms. just start turfing trump appointees for ANY infractions
fascist sue to make fascism mandatory on all social media platforms...removing the rights of owners to police their own platforms...
time to waste time going to the supremely packed court of trump asshole kissers. they may surprise us all, they sure as fuck did once, already...
we REALLY have to get to unpacking ALL the courts as soon as we win the midterms. just start turfing trump appointees for ANY infractions
The rule of law is the last thing these assholes want, they would take these dummies outside the courthouse and shoot them in their robes. I think some of them realize this and the only chance the rule of law has is democracy, it shouldn't be hard to figure out.
it's kind of...it's very..it's just really fucking ironic that the people who keep accusing others of election fraud KEEP COMMITTING ELECTION FRAUD...

noun: irony

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a state of affairs or an event that seems deliberately contrary to what one expects and is often amusing as a result.
plural noun: ironies
"The irony is that I thought the republicans would not be enormous hypocrites."
Back in the early days of CPAC (a creation of Newt Gingrich), Newt presented a book to attendees in which he outlined his plan for stealing Congress - which contained an expansion on on Goebbel’s dictum about blaming others for what you’re doing.

Roughly rendered from memory: because voters don’t care about reasoned arguments or complex policies, we should skip all that: as long as we don’t draw the ire of voters, we can do whatever we want; we just need to be sure we blame democrats for everything voters *react to*. As long as we can keep voters holding DEMOCRATS accountable for what WE do, and as long as we can prevent investigations into US, we truly can do whatever we want.

Like I said, a paraphrase - but I was so stunned by the casual, cynical malice against the USA, I’ve never forgotten it. The book was privately printed by Gingrich & distributed by him, but was featured in an OpEd by a guy named Richard Reeves, who got hold of a copy.

I stopped wondering how reliable it might have been when the “contract on America“ was unveiled & the “conversative” conversion to NewSpeak revealed. The only surprises since then have been over just how far they’re willing to go. ‘Course, we’re learning A LOT about that these days.
….and this reminds me that the FIRST stage of grief is DENIAL…and the *second* is ANGER. Remains to be seen how soon we (they) get though bargaining to depression…and eventually into acceptance (I hope)
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republicans are once again obstructing a bill on religious grounds...what does it take to make them recognize that church and state are fucking separate, and that most people don't want the church involved in government in any way? i guess it will take voting them AND the church the fuck out of office...
Silly rabbit, they’ve invested BILLIONS - and decades - to convince the hardest core of fundamentalists that Christians WERE AT RISK…*unless* they became the electoral muscle ‘needed’ to empower the ‘gawd-fearing’ GOP.

Voting them out of office depends heavily on them LOSING THEIR BASE…which causes me to point to my last comment: like cockroaches, they DEPEND on the absence of suspicion and investigation.

It’s their only safety from exposure & eradication (as a political force)
Silly rabbit, they’ve invested BILLIONS - and decades - to convince the hardest core of fundamentalists that Christians WERE AT RISK…*unless* they became the electoral muscle ‘needed’ to empower the ‘gawd-fearing’ GOP.

Voting them out of office depends heavily on them LOSING THEIR BASE…which causes me to point to my last comment: like cockroaches, they DEPEND on the absence of suspicion and investigation.

It’s their only safety from exposure & eradication (as a political force)
just a matter of time...
anyone who can't realize by this time that covid was a real thing, and that wearing a mask was an important tool to help fight the pandemic, can't be very intelligent, or very compassionate.
*IS* a real thing, if you’ll pardon my saying so.

Middle-ish of August, one of the kids that lives here went to a weekend party for a couple of hours. Two days later, she was sick; testing for Covid was positive. Over the next four days, the mom tested positive; the next day, the second kid tested positive, and the day after that, the third adult went down. Four people, four bedrooms. I slept on the couch. Having seen that I couldn’t trust the masking OTHER people were doing, I stayed in the basement for two hours after anyone else was prowling around (excellent HVAC & HEPA-quality filters), and went masked THEN. EVERY TIME. I used what I knew about the virus, used ACTUAL N95, as I took care of everyone else *and* the house (it’s a slovenly, careless bunch, I’m sorry to say). I slept on the couch every night, the bedroom having become isolation wards…double-masked, as everyone else would come down to grab breakfast while I was still asleep.

By Labor Day, they were symptom-free and back to the grind. I didn’t get sick…because I used my brain & what I *knew*, and in stuck with it. No one has relapsed, and TO THIS DAY I have not caught the bloody thing, despite being in several high-risk, high-susceptibility groups. As the designated errand-runner (and unable to afford the instacart up charges), I have gone masked in stores & around others out of the house, since March - what was, ‘19? ‘20?

No one has ever challenged me for going masked…and I’m in one of the very Trumpiest sections of one of the very reddest parts of the country, BTW.

Anyway, point is, Covid is STILL here and STILL HAPPENING.