Is Martha's Vineyard a sanctuary city for hypocrites ?

But he was forced to choose to either sign up for selective service or be considered a felon.
Still do......

Registration for Men 18-25
Selective Service registration is required by law as the first part of a fair and equitable system that, if authorized by the President and Congress, would rapidly provide personnel to the Department of Defense while at the same time providing for an Alternative Service Program for conscientious objectors. By registering, a young man remains eligible for jobs, state-based student aid in 31 states, Federally-funded job training, and U.S. citizenship for immigrant men.

It's Your CountryTake one minute to protect it.
When you register with the Selective Service, you're helping ensure a secure future for your community and the United States of America.
Still do......

Registration for Men 18-25
Selective Service registration is required by law as the first part of a fair and equitable system that, if authorized by the President and Congress, would rapidly provide personnel to the Department of Defense while at the same time providing for an Alternative Service Program for conscientious objectors. By registering, a young man remains eligible for jobs, state-based student aid in 31 states, Federally-funded job training, and U.S. citizenship for immigrant men.

It's Your CountryTake one minute to protect it.
When you register with the Selective Service, you're helping ensure a secure future for your community and the United States of America.
Yep, I'm quite aware. Shouldn't they make women sign up too?
Jeezus Slob Roy, why are you such a cuck for the right omg, it's like all the time with you.

And news flash. . .. your memes literally make NO sense.

Pack it up, wackjob.
You have until you are 25 to sign up. I didn't find that out until I was already 30, and trying to go back to college after I fractured my back, and was laid up for awhile out of work. I wheel chaired myself to town everyday to study, and even had a social program ready to pay off most of my tuition.

Come to find out they wouldn't give me financial aid because of it, and I was gonna have to take on massive student debts. Like, paying for medical debts without insurance kind..

I never even got the selective service draft letter (status check shows it was never sent to an address on file or something), and ran away from home when I was 17. I had dropped out before they even came to the high school to recruit all the guys, and never did anyone bring it up or tell me I was committing a crime or anything.

Now days, I guess you can just convert to a woman so they can't charge you as being a draft dodging felon (talk about privileges?).

Also, You can get all you student debts wiped out now too right?
You have until you are 25 to sign up. I didn't find that out until I was already 30, and trying to go back to college after I fractured my back, and was laid up for awhile out of work. I wheel chaired myself to town everyday to study, and even had a social program ready to pay off most of my tuition.

Come to find out they wouldn't give me financial aid because of it, and I was gonna have to take on massive student debts. Like, paying for medical debts without insurance kind..

I never even got the selective service draft letter (status check shows it was never sent to an address on file or something), and ran away from home when I was 17. I had dropped out before they even came to the high school to recruit all the guys, and never did anyone bring it up or tell me I was committing a crime or anything.

Now days, I guess you can just convert to a woman so they can't charge you as being a draft dodging felon (talk about privileges?).

Also, You can get all you student debts wiped out now too right?
I think you can still get into the Air Force up to 39years of luck