Libertarianism makes you stupid

Libertarians are shit
We finally share a common belief :blsmoke:

In a libertarian (voluntaryist) world, you could be a socialist or commie, you just wouldn't be able to impose that on people who didn't want it.

Sniff, sniff...where's the shit in that ?
It goes more like this "0 right + 0 right + 0 right ad infinitum = 0. That is the thing you are avoiding and won't address.

Leaping ahead and creating "all kinds of bad things might happen scenarios" if we don't have an overlord are interesting, but fail to address or refute my premise.
And this is your premise' basis. Oh Boy.
Pop Corn Sutton ? In a libertarian world he could make all the likker he wanted.

WTF are you talking about ?
I see you know not of the prompts you convey. Only that feed on your phone. Your party wants no sanity. Free reign to pillage and plunder little guys like POPCORN.
[QUOTE="MICHI-CAN, post: 17095127, member: 1035783"
I see you know not of the prompts you convey. Only that feed on your phone. Your party wants no sanity. Free reign to pillage and plunder little guys like POPCORN.

It's not my party, but you can cry if you want to.
Libertarians are Ayn Rand's wet dream, her answer to communism.
Communism is anti capitalist, libertarianism worships capitalism, communism condemns the concept of personal property, libertarianism enshrines it, communists think the workers should rule, libertarians think that workers should shut the fuck up and be glad they're getting trickled down on...
Libertarians say they want less regulation in business, despite constant proof that business is incapable of policing itself, they say they want smaller government, but what they want is less control mechanisms to stop them from strip mining whatever resources they're after, and fuck the environment, and everything that has to live in it...
They have no time for a social safety net, the poor should be working two or three jobs, if that's what it takes to get ahead...
They don't even have time for basic societal services, saying schools, prisons, hospitals, police and fire services, should all be privatized...Do i even have to say how fucking bad an idea that is?
Libertarianism is ridiculous horseshit idiocy that cannot work. There are no actual libertarian countries in the world. There never have been, and the probability is quite high that there never will be.
Nobody can say what a libertarian is. It's just a made up philosophy. The people paid by the Kochs to make it up said so.

"Koch bros. folk tale. It's possible, some attempt to co-opt the Libertarian party may have been made, but by and large no "big money" is behind the Libertarian party. Have there been attempts to derail and infiltrate? You bet.

It's members are at odds with other members and largely ineffective because some try to soften their message and become more appealing to the average no mind mainstream person. I don't pay much attention to the Libertarian party. I'm not political anymore, in that I don't see the least aggressive and most liberty oriented political party as the best solution. Better than the other two parties? Sure, but still not for me.

I'm a libertarian, not a Libertarian, libertarians are defined as people who don't and won't use offensive force against another person and respect every person's right to self determine as long as that is reciprocated. I use the term "libertarian" , but Voluntaryist is another way to say it.

I hope that helps you clear up your misunderstanding. You liberals often get confused on the actual meanings of words so I understand why you were mistaken. For instance the word "liberal". What do you think that means ? Are you a liberal?
"Koch bros. folk tale. It's possible, some attempt to co-opt the Libertarian party may have been made, but by and large no "big money" is behind the Libertarian party. Have there been attempts to derail and infiltrate? You bet.

It's members are at odds with other members and largely ineffective because some try to soften their message and become more appealing to the average no mind mainstream person. I don't pay much attention to the Libertarian party. I'm not political anymore, in that I don't see the least aggressive and most liberty oriented political party as the best solution. Better than the other two parties? Sure, but still not for me.

I'm a libertarian, not a Libertarian, libertarians are defined as people who don't and won't use offensive force against another person and respect every person's right to self determine as long as that is reciprocated. I use the term "libertarian" , but Voluntaryist is another way to say it.

I hope that helps you clear up your misunderstanding. You liberals often get confused on the actual meanings of words so I understand why you were mistaken. For instance the word "liberal". What do you think that means ? Are you a liberal?

If you read the article at the beginning of the thread, you’d know this line of thought was already shredded.