Libertarianism makes you stupid

Tell that to the roughly one million dirt-poor African laborers who make under a dollar a day breaking their backs funneling diamonds into DeBeers.
They are certainly living the dream.

They probably own (Smart Phone super computers).

If you can't appreciate a handheld super computer that allows for global communication and Open-Sourced everything.

They choose to work so they could buy Smart Phones!

If you hate the free market your missing the big picture.
His free market bullshit wrecked our society.

The end state of markets without regulation is monopoly. We are seeing the results of his unfounded ideology in the unbalanced distribution of wealth in our society today.

As a millennial without the internet we would only have one or two trades.

And education always sucks. Good luck getting accepted in MIT.

Generations before the internet were morons. Probably asked and answered three questions per year.

They probably own (Smart Phone super computers).

If you can't appreciate a handheld super computer that allows for global communication and Open-Sourced everything.

They choose to work so they could buy Smart Phones!

If you hate the free market your missing the big picture.
The US lags most of the first world in implementation of the newer forms of communication BECAUSE of poor regulation.
As a millennial without the internet we would only have one or two trades.

And education always sucks. Good luck getting accepted in MIT.

Generations before the internet were morons. Probably asked and answered three questions per year.

A woman and former classmate I talked to sounded much like you when she talked about the revelations she had while taking peyote. She said we held all the knowledge we needed to understand everything. We were biochemistry majors. I didn't see her in my class after the third week.

We learn and build our knowledge base from the people who learned from the people who came before us.

I'm not saying you are an imbecile. But you are ignorant.
Libertarians are Ayn Rand's wet dream, her answer to communism.
Communism is anti capitalist, libertarianism worships capitalism, communism condemns the concept of personal property, libertarianism enshrines it, communists think the workers should rule, libertarians think that workers should shut the fuck up and be glad they're getting trickled down on...
Libertarians say they want less regulation in business, despite constant proof that business is incapable of policing itself, they say they want smaller government, but what they want is less control mechanisms to stop them from strip mining whatever resources they're after, and fuck the environment, and everything that has to live in it...
They have no time for a social safety net, the poor should be working two or three jobs, if that's what it takes to get ahead...
They don't even have time for basic societal services, saying schools, prisons, hospitals, police and fire services, should all be privatized...Do i even have to say how fucking bad an idea that is?
Libertarianism is ridiculous horseshit idiocy that cannot work. There are no actual libertarian countries in the world. There never have been, and the probability is quite high that there never will be.

A woman and former classmate I talked to sounded much like you when she talked about the revelations she had while taking peyote. She said we held all the knowledge we needed to understand everything. We were biochemistry majors. I didn't see her in my class after the third week.

We learn and build our knowledge base from the people who learned from the people who came before us.

I'm not saying you are an imbecile. But you are ignorant.

How could Google search relate to Ignorance?

I could DIY chemistry in 1 day. It took you 10 years to build your knowledge.

I don't agree with you. I believe generations before the Internet were absolute morons in comparison.

I don't need to be a scholar to do... just about anything!

People today are talking s*** about the internet are basically terrorists of a Free World.

Socialists end up homeless.

(Not personal).
They probably own (Smart Phone super computers).

If you can't appreciate a handheld super computer that allows for global communication and Open-Sourced everything.

They choose to work so they could buy Smart Phones!

If you hate the free market your missing the big picture.
you assume they all have cell phones, making a dollar a day...and you make fun of them for your baseless fantasy about them, and then you tell everyone else "you just don't understand"...are you ted cruz? are, aren't you?! was boebert worth the guilt? oh, that's right, you're a republican, you can't feel guilt, or shame, just regret when you get caught
A woman and former classmate I talked to sounded much like you when she talked about the revelations she had while taking peyote. She said we held all the knowledge we needed to understand everything. We were biochemistry majors. I didn't see her in my class after the third week.

We learn and build our knowledge base from the people who learned from the people who came before us.

I'm not saying you are an imbecile. But you are ignorant.

Says the guy who uses the fear of a monopoly rising to power to try to present an "argument" why we need a monopolistic government.

Here is an excerpt from a book for sale on Amazon. THE VOLUNTARYIST HANDBOOK detailing the common fallacy you've fallen prey to, which I chided you for above.

I made separations in the paragraphs so it would be easier for you to read. I know you'll read the entire thing and instantly be persuaded.

There exist two blatant contradictions which roughly ninety-nine percent of
intellectuals, journalists, and voters erroneously believe.

On the one hand, they say that the free market must be regulated in
order to prevent monopolies. It is assumed that these monopolies would
have such great power over the market that their customers would be
forced to settle for products far more expensive than, and inferior to, those
that would be offered under competitive market conditions.

On the other hand, these intellectuals, journalists, and voters explicitly advocate that one
group (government) monopolize the money supply, policing, courts,
taxation, legislation, compulsory education, and a myriad of other things
that we may consider to be vitally important.
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But since he despises socialism

The problem with "socialism" isn't the ideal of people coming together and working on common interests.

The problem is when the means used to do that, is presented in a way that removes individual choice, when it is brought about by an edict backed by threats of force against those who prefer not to be "socialists" , but are okay if you are, as long as you leave them alone.

That's the part, people advocating for "socialism" never address and run away from.
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The problem with "socialism" isn't the ideal of people coming together and working on common interests.

The problem is when the means used to do that, is presented in a way that removes individual choice, when it is brought about by an edict backed by threats of force against those who prefer not to be "socailists" , but are okay if you are, as long as you leave them alone.

That's the part, people advocating for "socialism" never address and run away from.
Put your seat belt on travel the country and enjoy socialism :hump:
Libertarians are ultimately gravely underestimate the corruption likelyof the ultra elite rightists.
Naive to the extreme.

Yes that's it! Sort of like all those rich virtue signaling people flying in their private jets to whine about "global warming".


That's a non sequitur and uses an orange to point out why apples are bad.

I am in favor of a free market, we haven't had a "free market", it hasn't been allowed.

We've had government regulated and sponsored / protected
crony capitalistic fascist socialist mix . You are kicking the cat, when it was the dog that shit on the rug. Bad doggie!!!
Thanks for paying your taxes Rob. I’d love to make you go viral if you ever decide to share these viewpoints in a public forum like your local town hall on camera.

They aren't mine though.

When you say, "your taxes", you really mean the tribute that some people impose on others under threat of violence for noncompliance right?

It's like when people say "we" to describe something they didn't actually participate in, because they've been led to believe they belong to a camp they've been assigned to and that the meanings of words can change if you just have the right titles to lord over a dumbed down populace.

Hey remember that time "we" bombed the shit out of those Viet Cong and raped their women? Or the time "we" made weed illegal and arrested all those people and put them in jail ? See how that works if you let them change the meanings of words ?
