Conservatives are the American Taliban

Their it is again. That photo was taken about a hundred years ago. It is understandable why you would post it as if it were relevant today. You need to go back that far to find something Democrats did that is as bad as the recent history of the Republican Party's leaders and followers.

This is far more relevant:

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yeah, i have noticed that some magats have become selective history experts, as that is the only way they can "prove" their stupider talking points, by evoking images that are over 100 years old. notice how they all know that in the time of Lincoln, the democrats were in the role of modern republicans? that's because they have to go back to before 4/16/1865 to find a time when democrats were worse than republicans.
Hate in God’s name is not a toxic-evangelical exclusive.

Hate in God’s name is not a toxic-evangelical exclusive.

Orthodoxy is Conservatism.
Orthodoxy is Conservatism.
Not in Judaism. The three bigs are Orthodox, Conservative and Reform.

The old joke about the difference (in order) between an Orthodox, a Conservative and a Reform wedding:

- the bride’s mother is pregnant
- the bride is pregnant
- the rabbi is pregnant.
I would be careful with the terminology. A lot of people who are plainly not conservative describe themselves as such. Maga jumps to mind.

Yes, it's a... what's the term... big tent of hate and intolerance? Shitty umbrella? I don't know. I'm tired of seeing my friends persecuted by people who believe in fairy tales and think that somehow makes them righteous. MAGA nuts believe in fairy tales too, they're just new ones.
Preprogrammed intolerance of tolerable differences. How do we move past it while still including them? I think about that a lot.
What makes it difficult is that fundamentalism is driven by the powerful human desire to comprehend, and thus control, our reality. Fundamentalist doctrines promise a reality simple enough to yield to that desire.

In the process, they unavoidably do violence to some aspect of objective reality, almost all of which goes on with or without our sentiments.

The wish for it to be so is a strong drive whose endpoint is “I reject your reality and replace it with my own”, elevating correct doctrine over objective fact. That is a losing proposition every time.

It is tougher than quitting recognized addictive behaviors.