Conservatives are the American Taliban

Yes, it's a... what's the term... big tent of hate and intolerance? Shitty umbrella? I don't know. I'm tired of seeing my friends persecuted by people who believe in fairy tales and think that somehow makes them righteous. MAGA nuts believe in fairy tales too, they're just new ones.
I believe that conservatism is a valid political position. However, like freedom or Christianity, almost all of the people who self-describe are/want anything but.

As a touchstone, any political movement that relies on a coup, e. g. fascism or minority-rule Republicanism, cannot be correctly aligned with conservatism.
Preprogrammed intolerance of tolerable differences. How do we move past it while still including them? I think about that a lot.
It's called tribalism and it happens whenever humans face a threat or a problem and is an instinctive propensity. We organize and drive out descent from our group, while dehumanizing the "other". Remember humans can only exist as social units and it is the survival of the social unit and not so much for individuals, especially males, that counted. Humans existed as tribal people for a lot longer than we've existed as agrarian civilizations, that's only 10,00 years and much shorter for a lot of peoples. Humans engaged in tribal warfare and trade among themselves for many millennia and dominance among groups and individuals in those groups played a big part. Humans form caring sharing communities, ruled by a hierarchy of the socially dominate, that's what we do and what our instinctive psychological machinery dictates. Humans have the longest developmental cycle of all animals, and it takes a decade or more before they can be independent, so Hillary was right, it takes a village to raise a child.

If you want to see tribalism in action and employed as it should, look no further than Ukraine. If you want to see tribalism abused, look no further than America and Trump. Culture wars are powerful, back in the day your culture was everything, your language, religion and base of knowledge of your tribe, it was worth dying for, just like your tribe. In war, tribalism causes people to make sacrifices for their side, the Ukrainians are making them, and republicans are fucking themselves a thousand ways over bullshit meant to jerk the chains of assholes and simpletons. They will gladly fuck themselves because the "other" might get some too, they refuse to form a caring sharing human community with the "other". The con artists just have to blow Dixie on the dog whistle to own the suckers.
What makes it difficult is that fundamentalism is driven by the powerful human desire to comprehend, and thus control, our reality. Fundamentalist doctrines promise a reality simple enough to yield to that desire.

In the process, they unavoidably do violence to some aspect of objective reality, almost all of which goes on with or without our sentiments.

The wish for it to be so is a strong drive whose endpoint is “I reject your reality and replace it with my own”, elevating correct doctrine over objective fact. That is a losing proposition every time.

It is tougher than quitting recognized addictive behaviors.

What is most interesting to me is the resistance to information. If only there was some universal underlying pattern to help indicate the best way to have them realize that engaging in that behavior is disadvantageous to THEIR survival all on their own. Some way to make it about them, so they own it.
What is most interesting to me is the resistance to information. If only there was some universal underlying pattern to help indicate the best way to have them realize that engaging in that behavior is disadvantageous to THEIR survival all on their own. Some way to make it about them, so they own it.
Imo that hits the nail right on the thumb.

(edit) I agree with you. The metaphor is aimed at the reactionaries.

The Moment Tucker Carlson Unmasked Himself Live On-Air
46,248 views Sep 18, 2022 Fox News host, Tucker Carlson, goes on a scary racist rant over Ron DeSantis' stunt flying migrants from Texas to Martha's Vineyard. John Iadarola and David Shuster break it down on The Damage Report.
i would be just fucking awesome if they could nail abbott and desantis both for human would just be more proof of republican hypocrisy. of course, no one who cares needs any more proof of republican hypocrisy, it's been proven for decades
Win and ya can amend the human trafficking laws to make it really easy to stop this shit, but the current law might do for now.
Win and ya can amend the human trafficking laws to make it really easy to stop this shit, but the current law might do for now.
i'm not worried about the laws, i'm worried about christian nationalist, racist, sexist, bigoted, dishonest republican appointed judges ignoring the law to let them off, and the "justices" appointed by the same people on the supreme court backing them up...
that might really lead to a civil war, and not one the republicans will get a chance to plan for, this time.
i'm not worried about the laws, i'm worried about christian nationalist, racist, sexist, bigoted, dishonest republican appointed judges ignoring the law to let them off, and the "justices" appointed by the same people on the supreme court backing them up...
that might really lead to a civil war, and not one the republicans will get a chance to plan for, this time.
They corrupted the judiciary as evidenced by "Judge" Cannon, she fucked herself for nothing and instead of being thrown under the bus, she laid down on the road and became a speed bump for nothing. All this shit will be settled by election day, and it just keeps it in the news, Garland won't indict Trump before the election anyway. The damage to national security will be the thing that will haunt these people and make them the most serious enemies. The only way to correct the problem is to elect democrats who will take action. Perhaps an impeachment inquiry for Ms. Cannon could be in the future, depending on the election and on who rats out who and there will be no shortage of rats before the dust settles. Perhaps one of Trump's many fucked over lawyers facing indictment knows something and wants a deal...
i'm not worried about the laws, i'm worried about christian nationalist, racist, sexist, bigoted, dishonest republican appointed judges ignoring the law to let them off, and the "justices" appointed by the same people on the supreme court backing them up...
that might really lead to a civil war, and not one the republicans will get a chance to plan for, this time.
Ya gotta look at this like the war in Ukraine, Vlad fucked himself when he invaded and overreached, then got a grassroots reaction with international support. Likewise, Trump fucked the republicans and the bigots of America by drawing them out and showing the rest of the country who they really are. The Christian right was instantly discredited and went from the moral high ground to the ditch with "grab them by the pussy" and their support for the personification of the seven deadly sins. J6 also showed patriotic Americas who these assholes are, it ain't just the politicians, or even the lunatics, it's the people who should know better FFS! Abortion stupidity is also showing the majority of American women who the republicans are and many of the younger ones are the most motivated and are among the unlikely voters, along with their boyfriends and male relatives.
Domestic terrorist watch list and legislation, no guns or flying for those on it and making death threats or hate crimes will get them on it. Financing them would be a crime too, leading to seizure of assets, Canada designated the proud boys a domestic terrorist group and their bank accounts are very vulnerable to seizure and members are on a watch list, forget being a cop!
Teaching your kids about racism is bad so let’s elect a fascist instead. Dipshit can’t pass any fucked up legislation so he rolls back rules. Be a real shame if homie da clown showed up and slapped him with a rubber chicken several times.

Teaching your kids about racism is bad so let’s elect a fascist instead. Dipshit can’t pass any fucked up legislation so he rolls back rules. Be a real shame if homie da clown showed up and slapped him with a rubber chicken several times.

Will there be police to check their junk at the door? Or is it just a culture wars political stunt, what are the penalties for this "crime" of being born that way?