Day 21 trim/defol?


Well-Known Member
So when we say day 21, are we talking 21 days from the flip, or 21 days from flowers first forming?

How much of this would you remove?



Well-Known Member
I did 21 I think from flip. But I would say more so that when it needs it, do it. I would lean towards removing pretty much everything under the net that isn't already stretched to the top canopy and even with the rest.

Of course, I'm still a newbie so I'm just kinda repeating what I have picked up around here and what I have done. Smart money would wait on the more experienced to chime in. Lol


Well-Known Member
You shouldn’t remove anything. You should be treating your plant based on the appearance of those leaves. Calmag 5ml/gal every water and feed at this point.
why defoliate?
You feed the medium
The medium feeds the roots
The roots feed the leaves
the leaves feed the buds
it’s the Tomato UNDER the leaves get the ripest and taste best


Well-Known Member
You shouldn’t remove anything. You should be treating your plant based on the appearance of those leaves. Calmag 5ml/gal every water and feed at this point.
why defoliate?
You feed the medium
The medium feeds the roots
The roots feed the leaves
the leaves feed the buds
it’s the Tomato UNDER the leaves get the ripest and taste best
Yea I've been asking what to do about the leaf situation, someone suggested maybe a K deficiency, you think it's a magnesium deficiency?


Well-Known Member
I guarantee mag. Veins are green and in between yellow.
I bet your using LEDs. What temp with lights on?


Well-Known Member
Yea LED & 80F. I can drop the temp if needed.
No—do some google research on LEDs and LST that is—Leaf Surface Temperature—nothing to do with low stress training. 84f is optimal. Your probably ok at 80. Wouldn’t hurt to get it a little warmer. But keep feeding and get some CalMag going.


Well-Known Member
No—do some google research on LEDs and LST that is—Leaf Surface Temperature—nothing to do with low stress training. 84f is optimal. Your probably ok at 80. Wouldn’t hurt to get it a little warmer. But keep feeding and get some CalMag going.
Thanks. Epsom salts are significantly cheaper, you wouldn't use that?


Well-Known Member
Definitely not a magnesium issue. Mag issues make the leaves look striped, not "evenly" yellow like that.

I also understand that defol right at flip, then again at Day 21 are fairly common practice for lots of growers. As to whether that's 21 days from flip, or 21 days from sight of flower, thats up to you. Personally, i count from flip because it's a definitive point IMO, first sight of flower can differ from plant to plant.
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Well-Known Member
What nutrients are you running?

I agree with bumping the temp up. Room fluctuates between 82-86F.
I'm in FFOF soil, top dressed Dr EARTH 4-6-3 twenty days ago at flip & then about once a week I've given 1tablespoon GS Plants Fish and Kelp liquid fert. Nothing else.