Clearwater Genetics

Thanks that would be cool. I'll do the same if mine happens to lift itself up. I've got it in a cup of water inside a dome in 72 degrees. But it's completely wilted over the sides of the cup.

Yeah mines are pretty wilted as well and smell like they’ve been cooked ☹️
Oh yeah that’s no good you got a dome on that? Was the paper towel dried out?
Just got it about an hour ago. I immediately put it in a cup of water and a dome over it. It's just off for the picture. Yeah the paper towel had water and the inside of the bag had condensation all over it. Just too hot I guess.
I dunno. Yours is looking pretty nice compared to this and you got multiple.
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I took a clone of one of my Dante's Inferno plants and you know how plants "breathe" with the light cycle well every day in the hours before lights out it wilts like this but all other clones of other strains don't.

When I first took the clone it wilted to like that shrivelled wilted spinach look but misted and watered and it came back 100%

Misting helps a lot too. Not just a dome
I took a clone of one of my Dante's Inferno plants and you know how plants "breathe" with the light cycle well every day in the hours before lights out it wilts like this but all other clones of other strains don't.

When I first took the clone it wilted to like that shrivelled wilted spinach look but misted and watered and it came back 100%

Misting helps a lot too. Not just a dome

I misted and a dome and gave a little light. It was doa and already starting to rot by this morning.
My snips came in today, 2. One snip "might" make it, it was just starting to rot, the other one was rotted, bottom part of the stem was mush. This makes me never even want to order seeds from clearwater, I would have gladly waited until they could have taken real cuttings and like 4 of them.. I did offer originally to just pay for priority express but that email was ignored.. It's not the 10$ I care about, its the 35 minute drive each way I have to travel to try to root a cutting that I should probably just say fuck it and toss..