Seeds in purple bubba from medical dispensary


Well-Known Member
So I found three seeds in an 1/8 of purple bubba I picked up from a local dispensary, does this mean that they are feminized seeds? These seeds look real good, they have crazy looking stripes all over them.


New Member
i would be so happy to find some seeds in my nugs from the dispensaries cept i find i bunch of immature seeds and that makes me mad


New Member
exactly i wouldnt pay for so called medicinal weed if it was full of seeds that reduces potency


Uses the Rollitup profile
There is no way to tell if they are feminized seeds or not, but since they are mature, I would say they are not feminized, and they are probably hermaphrodite seeds, which means that they carry the hermy trait.

Here's my reasoning. When we grow all female plants, and one turns out to be a hermy, she will release some pollen, and she will be removed from the room. The buds that get pollinated, usually lightly, are on the remaining plants. Those buds are still sensimillia, just with a few seeds. And the seeds have enough time to mature before harvest, result mature seeds.

The other way we get some seeds in our sensimillia buds is when a true female spouts some pollen sacks in late flowering as a survival tool. If some pollen is released and pollinates some flowers, the seeds don't have time to develop before harvest, result immature seeds.

HTH :mrgreen:


New Member
depends if the grower was not upto much then could have been stress induced or maybe even forced if the grower was running a little breeding experiment really hard to tell without knowing the background. i would grow one out and just keep a very close eye or send me one and i will . lmfao :)