I have a offer to the right person

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Active Member
I've now answered all of your question via email.

I'm afraid that only a few guys actually would do this, so I need you guys, who are interrested, to be very mature and serious about this.

If you can't grow shit, then don't reply. If you're 16-20, don't even bother. (20 is maybe ok).

This is the serious deal. And it goes that way, that I fly to you, and we both fly together home to the Island.



Well-Known Member
Dear ComingOnStrong,

My name is Strawng Hazerson.

I have a PhD in applied chemistry and I am a world class horticulturalist. I attended Harvard university where my botany proffessors would ask similar requests.

I have constructed grow houses in 11 countries on 3 different continents. I myself do not smoke cannabis.

Oddly enough, everything else I plant fails miserabley and cannabis is the only thing I can grow. I have a photographic memory and have memorized every grow book ever published.

I am currently operating a pharmaceutical company in America, and we are doing miraculous things to cannabis through DNA alteration.

I am being sincere...and I hope you are as well.

Best Regards,

Strawng Hazerson
Excellent cover letter!


Well-Known Member
Fantasy Island?

Sorry, couldn't resist. We're not laughing at you, but you're not laughing at all, what's up with that? Even a serious creater of a topic such as this should be able to see some humor in it. No?

Hmmm to email or not to email. Someone without a sense of humor taking you to a remote island to set up a super grow, uh oh.
Might seriously wind up the last thing planted in the first grow season.

You know who else doesn't have a sense of humor?


Active Member
If you're 16-20, don't even bother. (20 is maybe ok)........He likes them young, but not to young


Active Member
Oregon, believe me. Yesterday I got my hands on some hashish, mixed it with two lucky strikes and got my big waterbong wich I smuggled in from Holland on a businesstrip yesterday. Then i read this over and over, the funniest thing I've ever done.

So I can have a good time. But because I'm very serious about this whole thing, I have to be very professional about it.


Well-Known Member
Oregon, believe me. Yesterday I got my hands on some hashish, mixed it with two lucky strikes and got my big waterbong wich I smuggled in from Holland on a businesstrip yesterday. Then i read this over and over, the funniest thing I've ever done.

So I can have a good time. But because I'm very serious about this whole thing, I have to be very professional about it.
Realistically you would need at least 6 months probably more like 8 months, Equipment will not be readily available, it would take a few months to get things arranged, sounds more like a year long commitment? VV:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
off t0 never never land we go ...

y dont you just grow urself ... you do live on an island well so you say .


Well-Known Member
Realistically you would need at least 6 months probably more like 8 months, Equipment will not be readily available, it would take a few months to get things arranged, sounds more like a year long commitment? VV:blsmoke:
Yes, if needed for a whole grow cycle. Not if needed for setup and training only and stuff was collected in advance.

Ok guys I admit it. I threw my hat in finally and emailed. What the heck, I'm not at such a risk here now anyway to people knowing where I am or who I am with no crop going ATM, and am currently free and single anyway.

Good timing maybe... Or whoever is behind the joke can laugh at me for taking the bait.


New Member
if theres no weed over there and the temps are as low as i suspect they will be then it could well be worth setting up over there in a big way and doing a couple of grows. just looked and temps over there are max 4.3c at the mo :) take about ten 1000 watters to get a room upto usable temps in that. then you would need a powerful heater for lights off. theres a minefield of pro's and cons but it would be worth a shot i reckon. i've emailed too, if the deal is right then its not too far from the uk.


Sector 5 Moderator
Comingonstrong I had to rep you for all the laughs. This has to be one of the best threads to come along in a long time. I'm not making light of your situation or offer; I wish I could be your guy but I have a routine that I can't break out of. Somebody good can get you up and going in the right direction in no time. Best wishes! And please get a grow journal going for us!


New Member
Well since we both have Gmail...it shows you the persons name when they send or reply to an e-mail.

Well he replied.

I can confirm he is NOT a girl like some people thought.

His name is: $$$$$$$$$$$$

And I think this is him:

I know know...I'm good.
no your a dick. wtf, so if i emailed you about some business you'd put my name and stuff on here for people to see would you? why not just drop a coin in the phone and have done with it. f'in idiot!!!!


New Member
no your a dick. wtf, so if i emailed you about some business you'd put my name and stuff on here for people to see would you? why not just drop a coin in the phone and have done with it. f'in idiot!!!!
Maybe he shouldn't put his real name in his e-mail when asking people to build him an oversea grow-op!!!

I may be the dick...but he sure is the idiot.


Active Member
BuddhaScientist, you just made a big fool of yourself.

My name is ofc. not Hannes Hólmsteinn, do you think I'm stupid?

If you've no interest in taking the job, you should find another place to spend time.


New Member
Maybe he shouldn't put his real name in his e-mail when asking people to build him an oversea grow-op!!!

I may be the dick...but he sure is the idiot.
well maybe he figured the people who replied to him would be proffesional enough not to go shooting his name off to everyone on an open forum for everyone including the worlds law enforcement officers to see. as far as i'm concerned your lack of respect for peoples safety and security makes you at best a complete wanker and at worst a fucking grass.
i spent years moderating on another site and i would have banned you for that tbh.its putting peoples security at risk and the fact that you think its ok cos he sent you an email has left me gobsmacked. im disgusted i got nothing else to say to you ever.


New Member
BuddhaScientist, you just made a big fool of yourself.

My name is ofc. not Hannes Hólmsteinn, do you think I'm stupid?

If you've no interest in taking the job, you should find another place to spend time.
i didnt think it was your real name but thats besides the point im shocked anyone could be that dumb


New Member
Your name is Ofc?

How does one pronounce this?

And why would you come up with such an elaborate name in your e-mail adress buddy. By the way, I have your IP from that e-mail you sent via Gmail (thanks Gmail!), we'll see if you're really in Iceland Ofc.

Last time I checked OFC was a publicly traded company:
OFC - Corporate Office Properties Trust (NYSE)
Not and Icelandic name.

So tell me, what does a 100 grams of sturgeon caviar go for in Iceland.
I was in Reykjavík two years ago. Shouldn't have changed much.


Well-Known Member
Maybe he shouldn't put his real name in his e-mail when asking people to build him an oversea grow-op!!!

I may be the dick...but he sure is the idiot.
Sorry dude have to call foul here. Wtf would you post someones name here even if they are an idiot? Would you like your personal info displayed here? I know I sure in the hell don't and I would do everything in my power to trak the SOB down that did.:cuss:
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