How bad are fungus gnats?

... and it's expensive!
Buying the full sized jug sure is...yikes. I get it from a reseller on Ebay in small amounts and she posts pics of the lot# so you can see how fresh the batch is. The only time I've had it not work is when I got some from the garden center. That batch was old as hell I'm betting and wasn't viable anymore. I've heard good things about the microbelift, maybe I'll give it a try sometime just to switch it up some.
Hmmm... interesting. I completely eliminated them with it. Took about a month, but they eventually went away.
I used it for four or five months. I used to be able to get rid of them pretty easily with coco, but they love my mothers in rockwool cubes. I started covering the cubes and using Poolshock and that seemed to help a lot. I still see a few, but it's no longer an infestation. It's also not summertime anymore either, so that helps.
I used it for four or five months. I used to be able to get rid of them pretty easily with coco, but they love my mothers in rockwool cubes. I started covering the cubes and using Poolshock and that seemed to help a lot. I still see a few, but it's no longer an infestation. It's also not summertime anymore either, so that helps.
I used the Microblift in a peat based soil. I'd use 24-26 drops per 50 gallons, and get good runoff. I could put the runoff under the microscope and find dead larvae. Sometimes it would kill out the beneficial mites too, but hey... collateral damage.
That's about as coordinated as I am, those guys in the kitchen scene where they're slipping and falling all over the place. My grow room is my son's old bedroom and pretty small so with all my equipment and tent it's a hazard area just to walk through for me with my cane or walker. Trying to rapidly do anything in there usually ends with damage. I've just learned to laugh about it as long as the plants are okay.
You literally flushed that plant with DE … guarantee you did not use according label. Sadly , a simple top dress of Neem meal or citric acid spray / sticky boards would control instead of that slurry mess.
I’m not even sure any of these products ya’ll mention even existed back then. Unfortunately we all had to learn from our own mistakes in order to become better. When you write the rule book on growing weed, maybe I’ll buy a copy. Until then I will continue to experiment with the knowledge and resources that are available to me ( or that I can comprehend). And yes, at 4 dollars a pound maybe it’s cheaper to just flush your pots with DE. Who’s judging? I’ve gotten 5 pounds off this mother plant since “flushing with DE”… I’m stealing that saying by the way.
I use Gnatrol when they flare up in numbers and the yellow sticky traps too.The beneficial nematodes route is the a great way to go and I was hoping my store bought earth worm castings would have plenty but they don't seem to. I'm going to try and get some better castings next time. Unless you're seeing a lot of larvae for a prolonged period I wouldn't worry about injury to the plant. Just get them under control as soon as possible and you'll be good.
What castings did you get last time? Was it a yellow bag from Home Depot or whatever?