Spary Or Not


Well-Known Member
OK have 3 Photos getting ready to flip.

Had problem with Fungus Gnats. Sprayed with Neem couple weeks ago and waterd with mix of Mosquito Bits and water.

Like I say getting ready to flip. Thinking. Make sure Spray again and sprinkle some Mosquito Bits around them then flip or wait couple days?

Or should I do any of this. I wanting to keep Neem off the Buds?
you can also use cinnamon anytime to scratch in the soil. kills larvae, adults wont land and lay more eggs and health boost for your roots. just turn your fans off first and remember to turn them back on after
You need to also focus on the adult flyers.
Yellow stickies in unison with treatments covers all of the stages of gnat infestation. Adults lay the eggs - stickies helps eliminate cycled egg laying.

Sounds good but haven't seen any for few days. So maybe done. I'm unable to put the Stickies up by myself even if I had them.

Well had help here so used it . Put Mosquito Bits down and Sprayed them didn't flip yet going to wait couple days.
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Make sure you keep top soil dry, have fans pointing at the soil if needed, fungus gnats cannot fly well in the air and won't be able to live where there is constant wind.
You can also add diatomaceous earth to your top soil, silica containing ingredients are useful against gnat larva, seaweed comes to mind as far as prevention goes.
Peroxide can get rid of the larva once it is already established, but you need to make sure your top layer is well ventilated and doesn't stay wet for too long after you applied the H202 treatment! I recommend adding ingredients that keep your plant's microbiome healthy whatever the case may be! Bacillus bacteria, calcium for your plant (can be foliar sprayed), fulvic acid, seaweed...
OK my Son put these in Plastic Pots I found have no drainage. He took everything and put it on Timer so the Fans were off for 6 hours.

I know it's a mess. They are really too big to repot but they are looking real good.

At first I thought they was Spider Mites but run my fingers along the leaves, then zoomed in with my Phone could see them on top of the leaves. My Son still can't see nothing wrong.
At first I thought they was Spider Mites but run my fingers along the leaves, then zoomed in with my Phone could see them on top of the leaves. My Son still can't see nothing wrong.

Can you show us what you're seeing? That doesn't sound like fungus gnats to me personally.

That kinda makes me think thrips
I had a bit of a gnat issue earlier this year, having inadvertently brought them in from some gnat egg infested rice hulls. Even the MicrobeLift wasn't doing the trick, and then I saw this post on IG, so tried a similar solution, and boom killed them dead. Best solution to gnats (in coco at least) ever.

Screenshot 2022-10-07 10.45.12 AM.png
OK this is what I'm dealing with can't find bugs but this is leaf damage. The bugs I found were on top of the Leaves.

I went and got that dirt and some soap spray.
Well can't take pic of bugs because not finding any now.

I picked all the Leaves that had any sign and getting ready to feed and spray.

I'll try to get another pic but it will just show damage because I no longer see bugs.