Pro mix hp and 315 watt CMH?


Active Member
Hey, i am still having a problem getting my plants to grow quick and was wondering. I have a 4x4 tent. 6 ft high and CMH light hanging at the top. When you are growing from seed in pro mix under CMH should you make sure the surface doesn’t get bone dry? It seems like people tell you to let it fully dry but it gets bone dry at the top inch or 2 and it is still damp underneath.
Go by the weight of the pot, rather than how dry the top part is. Lift the pot after watering to runoff so you know how it feels when fully saturated, then over the couple of days keep lifting it until it gets noticeably lighter. Then once it gets light feed it again, to plenty of runoff. That way you will give it a wet/dry cycle which helps speed up root growth during the veg stage. Extra runoff helps prevent salt build up. Be sure you are feeding each time, and it shouldn't need a high EC-try shooting for 1 EC during flower and only increase it if you need to.
Hey, i am still having a problem getting my plants to grow quick and was wondering. I have a 4x4 tent. 6 ft high and CMH light hanging at the top. When you are growing from seed in pro mix under CMH should you make sure the surface doesn’t get bone dry? It seems like people tell you to let it fully dry but it gets bone dry at the top inch or 2 and it is still damp underneath.
Are your temps warm enough with a 315 in a 4x4? Not sure plants age or size was just trouble shooting.
Go by the weight of the pot, rather than how dry the top part is. Lift the pot after watering to runoff so you know how it feels when fully saturated, then over the couple of days keep lifting it until it gets noticeably lighter. Then once it gets light feed it again, to plenty of runoff. That way you will give it a wet/dry cycle which helps speed up root growth during the veg stage. Extra runoff helps prevent salt build up. Be sure you are feeding each time, and it shouldn't need a high EC-try shooting for 1 EC during flower and only increase it if you need to.

thanks for the response. I think that i am possibly letting it get too light in between because i am comparing it to a bone dry pot thinking it will get lighter. I am going to let it get noticeably lighter but not extremely light. Thanks for the suggestion.
Light soil with lots of airation, low to mid 80s for room temp with fairly high humidity 70-75% and co² are all things that can and will get great growth rates if used properly.

I used Promix HP for years and had great results with it. I did however mix it 50/50 with perlite. Roots loved the light mixture and it's pretty much impossible to over water. However straight promix can hold a lot of water and that could be detrimental to root growth inturn slowing down plant growth. Personally I would never use straight promix, are you adding perlite or anything else for airation?