Jacks 321 “ultraviolet” 5-50-38 bloom feed


Well-Known Member
I always catch flack for this...but I threw out all my bloom nutes like 6 months ago. I use foliage pro or MaxiGro at like 600ish ppms in coco til harvest now and have been amazed at how green and healthy the plant stays compared to when I tried Maxibloom etc.

PJ Diaz

Well-Known Member
I always catch flack for this...but I threw out all my bloom nutes like 6 months ago. I use foliage pro or MaxiGro at like 600ish ppms in coco til harvest now and have been amazed at how green and healthy the plant stays compared to when I tried Maxibloom etc.
Of course they stay green, you are pumping in a lot of N during flowering.


Well-Known Member
I always catch flack for this...but I threw out all my bloom nutes like 6 months ago. I use foliage pro or MaxiGro at like 600ish ppms in coco til harvest now and have been amazed at how green and healthy the plant stays compared to when I tried Maxibloom etc.
Tge price on the maxigro/bloom is tempting, but I’ve read it’s a bitch to dissolve. Last time I did hydro I just used masterblend with a pk booster mid-late flower. Things worked out alright, just want to try something new again.


Well-Known Member
I think the myth of massive P ferts to induce blooms may have been made up just to sell more product. Sorta like Valentine's Day was to sell cards.
It seems like much more of the cannabis community is getting educated in the past years and not getting duped anymore, but there will always be a market to relieve a fool of his money.

There has been a good amount of university research, not just by Dr. Bugbee that suggest cannabis responds similar to any other heavy fruiting or flowering plant. Cannabis does need more P during flowering, but not 10 times a much. In DWC a veg PPM profile would be something like 200-30-150 and a good flower profile would be 150-60-225.


Well-Known Member
Tge price on the maxigro/bloom is tempting, but I’ve read it’s a bitch to dissolve. Last time I did hydro I just used masterblend with a pk booster mid-late flower. Things worked out alright, just want to try something new again.
Do foliage pro...I actually like it slightly better than maxi...I bought one of those syringe with feeding needle tube thingy off amazon and just do 4ml per gal from seed...600ppm-650ppm on hanna scale seems to work best for me.