Absolutely, micronized DE is best, but even regular DE will have particles in the 5 micron range, and that is immediately available to the plant in the form of silic acid, as the larger particles degrade they also become available. It's just an option, I use it mostly for pests, but the added silicon to the soil is a plus.
Application Rates For Diatomaceous Earth As a Soil Amendment
Outdoor Gardens & Flower Beds: 2lb. To 5lb per 100 square feet of garden
(Applied Once Per Season)
Potted Plants: 1 to 3 tablespoons per gallon of soil
(Applied Once Per year)
Outdoor Cannabis Plants: 1/8 to ¼ Cup Per Cubic Foot Of Soil
(May Be Applied Twice Per Season)
Indoor Cannabis Plants: 1/8 to ¼ Cup Per Cubic Foot Of Soil
(Applied Once Per Cycle)