Smoke Moldy Weed This Can Happen


Well-Known Member
I grew some moldy weed and though I threw most of it away, I ended up smoking some I thought was 'borderline. Over time, I developed a growth in my chest. It was some time before doctors figured it out.
I had to have surgery, a rib resection where they removed and scraped a section of my rib. Left me with a hole in my chest, that had to be repacked every 48 hrs with foam attached to a vacuum pump. Completely true story, here's a picture of the scar. I still have pictures of the open wound during dressing change somewhere.
Moral of the story is don't smoke moldy weed, even a little.



Well-Known Member
Your story still shocks me. I've heard you tell it somewhere else and it's still, even if by proxy, traumatizing. I share your story with everyone I burn with. It's just not worth it. I had to chop and sacrifice 3 plants that were within a month of done and another that had just finished her stretch because of mold in two of the plants. I take no chances now that I provide my own.


Well-Known Member
I grew some moldy weed and though I threw most of it away, I ended up smoking some I thought was 'borderline. Over time, I developed a growth in my chest. It was some time before doctors figured it out.
I had to have surgery, a rib resection where they removed and scraped a section of my rib. Left me with a hole in my chest, that had to be repacked every 48 hrs with foam attached to a vacuum pump. Completely true story, here's a picture of the scar. I still have pictures of the open wound during dressing change somewhere.
Moral of the story is don't smoke moldy weed, even a little.
Are you sure it was the weed?


Well-Known Member
I'm curious too, can you tell us the exact diagnosis? I'm sure anybody who's bought brick weed from back in the day has smoked some quantity of mold, bugs, other stuff, and I've never heard of this happening. How moldy was it? If it was a fungal infection, couldn't they treat it with an anti-fungal? Not doubting you, just trying to figure out what happened.


Well-Known Member
What was the diagnosis, what was wrong with your rib? And why would you think smoking would cause that, that would be your lungs? More detail would be helpful here. I know I've smoked moldy weed before (not intentionally, I just didn't know) and no issues. Obviously mold can cause health problems though


Well-Known Member
Are you sure it was the weed?
Positive. It took months to determine. The growth began small, a pea sized. Kept going back to doctors and they initially told me it was fatty tissue, it was nothing, yet it continued to grow to about the size of a small piece of banana.. woke up one morning and had problems breathing. Couldn't breathe. After biopsies and testing, still couldn't figure it out until I suggested the weed. It took so long to show up in the petri dish. I was in the hospital for a week, docs still didn't know, I said this hospital sucks, send me to Baystate, Springfield, MA. It's a teaching hospital, so when the doctor comes in with his students, you have 10 brains and sets of eyes instead of one. It was a student that suggested the actual test that confirmed it.
The slash in my chest left by the surgery was large, you could literally look into my chest cavity. The nurse that came to pull out the foam and repack it every 48 hours, had to leave the room in the middle of it once, she was that freaked out. Me, I videos the changing, lol. I was allowed one 'extra' percocet to take before the repack. I still joke, they took a rib and I didn't even get a wife out of the deal.
I had several near death things that almost killed me. For example, developed MRSA after a anterior cervical directory, was hospitalized fir months with a pic line dumping vancomycin directly over my heart, was life flighted twice for accidents, been shot once, stabbed and cut a couple times. I would have to look through my medical papers to find the exact word, it was a medical word, but trust me, it was determined to be the mold from the weed. The doctors were certain, thats all I can tell you for now. Sorry I can't remember the exact phrase, but hey, I do remember anterior cervical disechtomy. Kinda simple, means they slice your throat open and push your larynx to the side, cut out some disc's, replace em with composite ceramic or whatever, then screw a plate over it.
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Well-Known Member
Positive. It took months to determine. The growth began small, a pea sized. Kept going back to doctors and they initially told me it was fatty tissue, it was nothing, yet it continued to grow to about the size of a small piece of banana.. woke up one morning and had problems breathing. Couldn't breathe. After biopsies and testing, still couldn't figure it out until I suggested the weed. It took so long to show up in the petri dish. I was in the hospital for a week, docs still didn't know, I said this hospital sucks, send me to Baystate, Springfield, MA. It's a teaching hospital, so when the doctor comes in with his students, you have 10 brains and sets of eyes instead of one. It was a student that suggested the actual test that confirmed it.
The slash in my chest left by the surgery was large, you could literally look into my chest cavity. The nurse that came to pull out the foam and repack it every 48 hours, had to leave the room in the middle of it once, she was that freaked out. Me, I videos the changing, lol. I was allowed one 'extra' percocet to take before the repack. I still joke, they took a rib and I didn't even get a wife out of the deal.
Crazy. At least you recovered.

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
Positive. It took months to determine. The growth began small, a pea sized. Kept going back to doctors and they initially told me it was fatty tissue, it was nothing, yet it continued to grow to about the size of a small piece of banana.. woke up one morning and had problems breathing. Couldn't breathe. After biopsies and testing, still couldn't figure it out until I suggested the weed. It took so long to show up in the petri dish. I was in the hospital for a week, docs still didn't know, I said this hospital sucks, send me to Baystate, Springfield, MA. It's a teaching hospital, so when the doctor comes in with his students, you have 10 brains and sets of eyes instead of one. It was a student that suggested the actual test that confirmed it.
The slash in my chest left by the surgery was large, you could literally look into my chest cavity. The nurse that came to pull out the foam and repack it every 48 hours, had to leave the room in the middle of it once, she was that freaked out. Me, I videos the changing, lol. I was allowed one 'extra' percocet to take before the repack. I still joke, they took a rib and I didn't even get a wife out of the deal.
So how much did u smoke?

and how moldy was it? Everyone has there own opinions lol


I've smoked around 50 grams of moldy weed and i've been having trouble with my lungs for 2 years now. That was during the covid lockdown, i bought 50g to get me through while staying home all day. That was the first time i've ever had moldy weed, it took around 20-30 grams until i started noticing side-effects. The rest i smoked purposefully because i was bored and stupid, i thought the symptoms would go away.
But i've been having lots of pain in my chest, inflammation, both sharp and dull pain.. The left side of my chest hurts like hell, i can't move properly. I took X-ray images and they couldn't see anything. I asked for a CT scan but they told me some time needs to pass from X-ray to CT. Eventually it got dragged and prolonged and i didn't do a CT scan, planning to do it soon.
I feel like what is happening to me is i have an allergic reaction to mold, my lung inflames, this could cause scarring in my lungs and it's probably filled with liquid.
Weed is illegal here where i live, so it's not a common thing. My doctors laughed when i told them about moldy weed, they told me: ''Haha i doubt it's from weed'' because they never encountered it before. One doctor even said: ''The mold probably burns while smoking and you kill it'' but he doesn't know that first of all, while inhaling through a joint all the unburned mold spores go in the lungs. And second, burning won't reduce the Aflatoxins and Mycotoxins.
It's a very difficult thing to deal with, it's unusual. It's best to just skip the weed smoking part and tell them you work with plants, mention them ''Farmer's lungs'' and maybe they will believe you more.


Well-Known Member
It did fuck my right ear up. I've had loud tinnitus ever since -- started the day after the 2nd ouchie.

As to the OP, not saying you're a liar or anything. I'd think the worst case scenario of smoking moldy weed would be an acute fungal infection inside the lungs. It isn't going to cause tumors like that. We breathe in fungal spores with every breath also.
True but a hit on a pipe or joint could be a concentration of mold spores, not like the few you inhale daily. Bong might block some but i’m just guessing. Either way, moldy pot always burned my throat and made my mouth tingle. I always break buds under a lamp to check for spores floating around. Plus washing in h2O2 without rinsing is questionable. Studies show hydrogen peroxide in cigarette smoke is a direct link to lung tumors.


Well-Known Member
Moldy weed should not be smoked or used for anything. It should be discarded. If it's the only weed you have then you should just go without weed. If you're using weed as medicine like many claim then it's ridiculous to use mold tainted weed that can cause health problems to treat other health problems.

If your weed develops mold it needs to be thrown away no matter the quantity or your ability to replace it.
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It did fuck my right ear up. I've had loud tinnitus ever since -- started the day after the 2nd ouchie.

As to the OP, not saying you're a liar or anything. I'd think the worst case scenario of smoking moldy weed would be an acute fungal infection inside the lungs. It isn't going to cause tumors like that. We breathe in fungal spores with every breath also.
Check this out

Lots of things could happen to your body from mold. Allergic reactions, inflammations, infections, and ultimately mold growth that look like tumors. The mold balls are a collection of mold, blood cells, blood and other debris like tar.

Yes we breath mold spores everyday but in small amounts, you inhale a lot more mold in a single joint of moldy weed. The immunity and health of your lungs also plays a big factor. And there are many types of molds, some of them are more harmful than others. From weed, you can inhale Aspergillius and Bortrytis.

The infection from mold could spread in the bloodstream, reaching the heart, brain, livers, kidney etc. and eventually it could cause death by organ failure or sepsis.

Mold can create almost every symptom you can imagine. Lots of doctors mistake it for other illnesses, but the mold is the culprit.
It can cause problems with lungs, livers, kidneys, heart, brain, bowel system, urinary tract, bones.. It can cause similar condition as arthritis, imagine that.. It can also affect the mental state by causing a depression, paranoia, confusion, insomnia etc.. And ultimately mold can cause cancer.
Mold is like a copy-cat of all illnesses, it can affect your whole body from head to toes.
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