FastBuds 20:1 CBD


Well-Known Member
Hey guys,

This is my fast buds 20 : 1 on day 85

What are your guys thoughts?

I think she's ready for her chop
Most white hairs have receded and trichs going cloudy when checked with my microscope.

Here's some pics for reference.



Well-Known Member
I'd say they have a little while left. TBH they look a tad overfed.
Yeah agreed I over fed them but that was around a two to 3 weeks ago and been watering till run off with just ph balanced water.

It's barely drinking anymore

I think maybe max a week or two imo but I'm no expert


Well-Known Member
Yeah agreed I over fed them but that was around a two to 3 weeks ago and been watering till run off with just ph balanced water.

It's barely drinking anymore

I think maybe max a week or two imo but I'm no expert
Neither am I. The way they look I'd check again after a week.