Seed makers who outsource their seed production...


Well-Known Member
Been hearing a lot about this lately. Seed guys who are just the brand's face, buy seeds from someone behind the scene, market them and sell them untested.

Who's out here doing this???

No pic = no sale for me.
Been hearing a lot about this lately. Seed guys who are just the brand's face, buy seeds from someone behind the scene, market them and sell them untested.

Who's out here doing this???

No pic = no sale for me.
I think it's mostly UK/Dutch breeders. Not sure who exactly, but a lot of it is outsourced to Spain AFAIK.
Been hearing a lot about this lately. Seed guys who are just the brand's face, buy seeds from someone behind the scene, market them and sell them untested.

Who's out here doing this???

No pic = no sale for me.
Any breeder offering a lot of strains most likely sub some of the strains. Especially if they are rarely out of stock. If they check the sub’s grow op and verify males etc there’s no reason to not.
I think it's mostly UK/Dutch breeders. Not sure who exactly, but a lot of it is outsourced to Spain AFAIK.
Any decent uk breeder does there breeding in spain to get round the law unless there small scale so not outsourcing as per say they do it themselves then send the seeds to back home or where ever and yes alot of dutch companies do outsource there breeding to spain and its not done by there own people or some alternatively do it illegal style in holland Belgium germany etc so again not all are one and the same it depends the ones selling fems only with a million strains are the most obvious culprits but then again not always
It doesn't really matter if the seeds are bred in Spain, the Congo, Antarctica, etc... Some of the Spanish breeders have been doing actual breeding since before many of the US pollen chuckers were even born.

I'm sure many of the US outfits that seem to pop up daily are indeed reselling bulk seeds they purchased. If there is money to be made someone is doing it. All it takes is going to one of the large seed banks and buying 100 seeds for $185. Repackage those seeds in some cartoon packaging, call them anything you want, sell them for $10-$20 a piece. A cheap website, accounts on Instagram, Strainly, etc... Call yourself a breeder, make up wild claims about the seeds. They were sourced while on a trip to some jungle, smuggled out of a war zone, kept since 80's/90's from the original cut, blah blah blah. Do the math.
Years ago Mike from peakseedsbc sent out emails to folks that had bought seeds from him stating a big conglomerate reached out to him to do just this thing.

I can't remember if they wanted to buy his company name or have him join the group but he wasn't down with it. He mentioned a lot of "breeders" were on that train.

So I'd imagine many US breeders are part of that group. I no longer have that email or else I'd post it here.
Dont know if it is true, but I would imagine that many seed vendors, have multiple people making their seeds, hence if you have 20+ strains I personally would find it hard to keep track of them all and making sure crosses/mothers are the same year by year.

By having a group of people, making eg. 1 -5 strain each, it would be easier to keep the quality and ensuring they are correct continuesly, but thats just my 2 cents.
I wouldn't be surprised at all if all the major American seed sellers didn't do this. They are also the ones driving the HpLVd pandemic. I can't begin to imagine how many packs of viroid tainted seeds were produced by these people in the past couple of years, and now they are sitting in people's collections, including my own, landmines waiting to go off. This is why strict biocontrol procedures are important even when working with seeds only, and it's also why anyone who is breeding, for fun or profit, should test all keeper plants. This viroid is a serious threat to cannabis biodiversity, which is already being lost via hybridization in the landrace source countries, at an alarming rate.
Can't believe Cookies hasn't been mentioned yet. To my knowledge He's the biggest one in the US. I know Compound, Cannarado, JBeazy and now Bodhi. I'm 100% there are more.

I think that's a bit different. Those are transparent(ish) partnerships versus Breeder A doing "fire" drops of untested shit that was chucked by some other person behind the scenes.
This was quite a few years ago but I remember Subcool talking about people outsourcing seed making and the horror stories he was told….not being able to keep male plants alive and loosing control of mother plants etc etc. Fem this, auto flower that….in some big operation in another country…..F that bullshit!
This was quite a few years ago but I remember Subcool talking about people outsourcing seed making and the horror stories he was told….not being able to keep male plants alive and loosing control of mother plants etc etc. Fem this, auto flower that….in some big operation in another country…..F that bullshit!
Ironically even subcool outsourced, he had breeders for him as well as testers.. I miss ole subby, he was a great guy.
Right, but he wasn’t mass producing in some big op in Canada or Spain. For example, Norstar Genetics, helped make seeds for him. Close friends who were local.
No I get what ya mean, I'm not saying anything as a bad thing, if you have the right people to outsource to then the quality will still be there regardless.

Outsourcing is needed when the demand gets crazy, but outsourcing projects just to pollen chuck f1's for quick turn arounds is a bit greedy "but then again seed packs are over 300 buxs these days, so greed has already went wild".