Earth Dust soil question


Well-Known Member
Purchased some black golf off of eBay as it’s recommended by the folks at earth dust…

well what was supposed to be .03-.0-.0 npk soil is actually .09-.03-.03 npk. It’s still organic / all natural etc but the .03-0-0 is recommended for the base…

I can’t seem to find this .09 stuff anywhere tbough it’s in the exact same bag.

thoughts on how this may work w earth dust? My initial thought wasto return it and get the .03 stuff but figured I would reach outhere and to earth dust forst

any help is much appreciated
Diff states, countries have diff requirements for labeling. The npk values listed on the bag are generally the MINIMUM amount that could be in the soil. But again diff places have diff rules. It could be literally the same soil from the same batch sold in diff areas and labeled slightly different. Ive never heard of what you're using though.
Diff states, countries have diff requirements for labeling. The npk values listed on the bag are generally the MINIMUM amount that could be in the soil. But again diff places have diff rules. It could be literally the same soil from the same batch sold in diff areas and labeled slightly different. Ive never heard of what you're using though.
Thanks for the solid info and that makes sense.

You’ve never heard of earth dust, black gold or either?? I highly recommend both!
See I’m on the opposite end. Here in the states and first time I’ve heard those two mentioned lol. I’ll have to check them out as well.
Black swallow works with Tad Hussey from k.i.s. organics as well. Should check them out if you haven't yet. They're in the states. And he's highly regarded in the organics world.
Purchased some black golf off of eBay as it’s recommended by the folks at earth dust…

well what was supposed to be .03-.0-.0 npk soil is actually .09-.03-.03 npk. It’s still organic / all natural etc but the .03-0-0 is recommended for the base…

I can’t seem to find this .09 stuff anywhere tbough it’s in the exact same bag.

thoughts on how this may work w earth dust? My initial thought wasto return it and get the .03 stuff but figured I would reach outhere and to earth dust forst

any help is much appreciated
What size pots are you putting these in and how long you planning to let this brew before planting?
4.weeks is good, I personally had to supplement a little dolomite limestone to get the pH right with my first go at it with Earth Dust.
Question for you - do you think it’s a bad idea to cook in a bin and transfer to the bags in 2-4 weeks?

the reason I askis bc at that point the mycelium network will have formed and transfer of from the big to the pots will surely f all that up will it not???? Or ami over thinking it lol.
Question for you - do you think it’s a bad idea to cook in a bin and transfer to the bags in 2-4 weeks?

the reason I askis bc at that point the mycelium network will have formed and transfer of from the big to the pots will surely f all that up will it not???? Or ami over thinking it lol.
I don't think the mycelium network would form that quick (if at all) as there's no roots in the cooking bin. A good mycorrhizal inoculant should kick start that network once you transplant the seedlings to their final pot.