Is Biden really that bad?

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Of course, that’s disgusting and an absolute abuse of power. If they’re both pedos then they should both hang in my opinion. Telling me trump is a pedo doesn’t change my mind about biden. The worst thing is people here love him despite this, haven’t any of you got kids?
the Biden pedo business is disinformation.
Look at all the Republicans getting caught with child porn. Look it up.
I don’t want to, seeing the president of the United States blatantly acting that way is enough to make me sick. Anyone caught with that shit should hang, not just left or right based on my political views
Omg man watch the footsge, it’s disgusting, disinformation wtf! How can people be so blinded by whatever promises he makes that you choose to ignore the red flags
footage? really? Video is very manipulable, and that man has enemies. You’ll need better sources (text journalism), and quote the links to them, if you are at all serious.
I can’t believe normal people are willing to overlook such huge red flags in a persons morality for promises of gold and silver

someone could buy me seeds, ph my res, trim my bud, roll my joints, rub my feet and cook my dinner, but the second they put hands on my child (or any child for that matter) like that then all good they do goes out the window
The creepy thing is how you sexualize young girls in those pictures and see that gross shit that comes to your mind.

Old men look creepy as shit next to girls. Out of the thousands? of pictures he has taken with tired ass kids at the end of some boring banquet, a handful of creepy looking ones is just expected.

Reading what you are into it (based on your handful of posts here trying to keep it in the discussion for some odd reason), is just beyond hard to take seriously.
The creepy thing is how you sexualize young girls in those pictures and see that gross shit that comes to your mind.

Old men look creepy as shit next to girls. Out of the thousands? of pictures he has taken with tired ass kids at the end of some boring banquet, a handful of creepy looking ones is just expected.

Reading what you are into it (based on your handful of posts here trying to keep it in the discussion for some odd reason), is just beyond hard to take seriously.
A sex-crime suspect is being seen by the state shrink. At Rorschach time, the suspect describes one horrific prurient scene after another. This moves the shrink to an unprofessional exclamation of “you’re one far-gone pervert!”

To which the guy calmly retorts
“Gosh, doc — YOU’re the one showing me all the dirty pictures!”
The creepy thing is how you sexualize young girls in those pictures and see that gross shit that comes to your mind.

Old men look creepy as shit next to girls. Out of the thousands? of pictures he has taken with tired ass kids at the end of some boring banquet, a handful of creepy looking ones is just expected.

Reading what you are into it (based on your handful of posts here trying to keep it in the discussion for some odd reason), is just beyond hard to take seriously.
What so because I and many other people (who by the way care not about your left or right, trump or biden) can see that he is acting innapropriately towards a child, the touching?, the comments? , that makes me the weirdo? For calling a spade a spade?

you’re invested in someone and ur willing to overlook their flaws because you see them as the lesser evil
What so because I and many other people (who by the way care not about your left or right, trump or biden) can see that he is acting innapropriately towards a child, the touching?, the comments? , that makes me the weirdo? For calling a spade a spade?

you’re invested in someone and ur willing to overlook their flaws because you see them as the lesser evil
Yeah man, I am sorry it does make you a weirdo to see what you want in those edited click bait videos.
The creepy thing is how you sexualize young girls in those pictures and see that gross shit that comes to your mind.

Old men look creepy as shit next to girls. Out of the thousands? of pictures he has taken with tired ass kids at the end of some boring banquet, a handful of creepy looking ones is just expected.

Reading what you are into it (based on your handful of posts here trying to keep it in the discussion for some odd reason), is just beyond hard to take seriously.
You think the pic of Trumps daughter on his lap is creepy though and I really don't. My daughter has sat on my lap plenty times. Oh shit, that might come back to haunt me, :lol:.
You think the pic of Trumps daughter on his lap is creepy though and I really don't. My daughter has sat on my lap plenty times. Oh shit, that might come back to haunt me, :lol:.
Trump talking about his daughter is the only thing that stops me from saying that of course he is not sexualizing his daughter. But of course it can't be removed from the clearly creepy shit he has flat out said about her, several times.

As for Biden, outside of a handful of creepy pictures you really don't have shit, and this is just one big trolling narrative that the right wing propagandists hope distracts from all the fucked up shit that the Republicans are currently doing to our nation.
Trump talking about his daughter is the only thing that stops me from saying that of course he is not sexualizing his daughter. But of course it can't be removed from the clearly creepy shit he has flat out said about her, several times.

As for Biden, outside of a handful of creepy pictures you really don't have shit, and this is just one big trolling narrative that the right wing propagandists hope distracts from all the fucked up shit that the Republicans are currently doing to our nation.
lmao I don’t give a fuck about right or left, it makes no difference to me, we’ve got our own government ruining our country. As a parent you can see it a mile off, you don’t act that way towards kids, it’s weird as fuck. And maybe trump has done all sorts of creepy shit too, urrrrgh, if he’s a pedo he should hang too, but this thread isn’t titled “is trump really that bad”. It’s about biden, and by the looks of it he can’t help himself, who the fuck sniffs another persons daughters hair. Wot the actual fuck!
lmao I don’t give a fuck about right or left, it makes no difference to me, we’ve got our own government ruining our country. As a parent you can see it a mile off, you don’t act that way towards kids, it’s weird as fuck. And maybe trump has done all sorts of creepy shit too, urrrrgh, if he’s a pedo he should hang too, but this thread isn’t titled “is trump really that bad”. It’s about biden, and by the looks of it he can’t help himself, who the fuck sniffs another persons daughters hair. Wot the actual fuck!
Did Q tell you to worry about this?

lol who the fuck knows, maybe the kid had some stinky ass shampoo and he made a comment on it, projecting that onto somehow he is a child molester is beyond fucked up and says more about you than it does Biden.
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