Is Biden really that bad?

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I don’t hang out with anyone, just other parents at school or football, that are impartial to the situation you have over there.
So if I have this right, you are the weirdo that goes to football games and shows (what you believe (if what you posted in this thread is what you actually believe)) child molestation videos to other people there?

You have some serious issues man, I really do hope you work it out if you are an actual American and not just another in the endless lines of trolls (foreign and domestic) that are paid to spread the kind of stupid cherry picked/edited clickbait that you have talked about here, because this attack is seriously effective for people who are spammed their lies perpetually across any media that they use on a regular basis.
Why the fuck would I be asking some old man to get all close to my little girl so that they could take a picture

well because he’s obviously a national celebrity, does a lot of good for people, helps the poor, breaking down inequality, fixing up your country after the mess the previous regime left?

when I was a kid I used to go to the football training ground to see the players, I had my picture taken with the manager, he was my hero back then, I was so proud to have that picture taken.

We take our kids there now and they get similar pictures taken with their sporting hero’s. If I met Jesus I’d love a pic of me and him, someone who does a lot of good, I’d be so proud, I’d be the envy of all my friends.

you never had a pic taken with someone who you admire? Even if you haven’t I’m sure you’d like one, you and Jorge, soma, skunk man sam? Still no? Ok!

but that is why people want their kids to get pictures taken with the president.

lets pretend ur daughter is well into politics and decides she wants to go to one of these press events, at the end there’s an opportunity to snap a picture of her and the president, would you deny her that?

If you obliged (which most parents would (knowing nothing of his previous behaviour)) would you @hanimmal be happy with him acting that way towards your flesh and blood?
well because he’s obviously a national celebrity, does a lot of good for people, helps the poor, breaking down inequality, fixing up your country after the mess the previous regime left?

when I was a kid I used to go to the football training ground to see the players, I had my picture taken with the manager, he was my hero back then, I was so proud to have that picture taken.

We take our kids there now and they get similar pictures taken with their sporting hero’s. If I met Jesus I’d love a pic of me and him, someone who does a lot of good, I’d be so proud, I’d be the envy of all my friends.

you never had a pic taken with someone who you admire? Even if you haven’t I’m sure you’d like one, you and Jorge, soma, skunk man sam? Still no? Ok!

but that is why people want their kids to get pictures taken with the president.

lets pretend ur daughter is well into politics and decides she wants to go to one of these press events, at the end there’s an opportunity to snap a picture of her and the president, would you deny her that?

If you obliged (which most parents would (knowing nothing of his previous behaviour)) would you @hanimmal be happy with him acting that way towards your flesh and blood?
Ever hear of Jerry Sandusky?

Yeah no thanks.

Way to not read my post to you though and just highlight that very last bit (which you then further cherry picked). Totally keeping up with that non-differentiation from any other paid propaganda troll.
Ever hear of Jerry Sandusky?

Yeah no thanks.

Way to not read my post to you though and just highlight that very last bit (which you then further cherry picked). Totally keeping up with that non-differentiation from any other paid propaganda troll.
Why can’t u answer the question? You’ve repeated the same shit over and over, calling me a troll, keep referencing some q fella, the question st hand is actually a pretty simple one, would you be happy if he did that to your little girl?

edit: I’ve just searched Jerry Sandusky. Sick sick person, Iwonder if there were any signs previous to his arrest, like innapropriate behaviour with kids. You do realise social services depend on normal people like parents at a football game who notice something creepy like an old man kissing someone else’s child, to protect kids ?
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Why can’t u answer the question?
I did answer the question, I wouldn't let my kid take a picture, because I wouldn't sit through any political event that long to take one. Can you imagine having to wait through all those boring speeches, and then wait in a line while families are moved through to take a picture and move on, kids being all tired and shitty?

No thanks, I will pass.

Why can’t u answer the question? You’ve repeated the same shit over and over, calling me a troll, keep referencing some q fella,
Once again you are either trolling at this point, or just so triggered you read what you wanted to believe (wrongly) was in my post.

the question st hand is actually a pretty simple one, would you be happy if he did that to your little girl?
Did what? Make a stupid joke as we were being jostled together so that the picture could be taken? OMG the horror.
I did answer the question, I wouldn't let my kid take a picture, because I wouldn't sit through any political event that long to take one. Can you imagine having to wait through all those boring speeches, and then wait in a line while families are moved through to take a picture and move on, kids being all tired and shitty?

No thanks, I will pass.

Once again you are either trolling at this point, or just so triggered you read what you wanted to believe (wrongly) was in my post.

Did what? Make a stupid joke as we were being jostled together so that the picture could be taken? OMG the horror.
Well just answer the question, because you haven’t, if that was your little girl being fuckin sniffed or stroked or kissed or spoken to innapropriately like that would that be ok with you? Never mind taking the pass and saying you would never be in that position, would you be happy for some old dude to do that to ur daughter?

edit: of course you wouldn’t, stubborn you may be but I know that if you have kids you would never ever let someone do that to them, you’d be shot by secret service for trying to attack the president
Omg this is wild. So if I was saying that trump displayed peado tendency’s then that would be fine and I’d get a high 5, but cos I’ve said Biden does I’m out of order? I don’t care about your government! I don’t even care about my countries government! I simply called a spade a spade. How would you feel if some creepy old man acted that way around your child? Put yourself in that position and it becomes less about trump vs biden and more about good vs evil

edit: not that I think trump is good, he might be guilty of this shit too, but I’ve never seen him act that way around a child, as a parent it blew my mind to see such behaviour on tv, and still blows my mind to see idiots defending it. Wtf imagine it was ur child
if you don't care so much, why are you whining about it so stridently? i don't feel like i've EVER seen Biden do anything creepy to a child...i've seen the pictures and the videos, and they're all just bullshit republicans pull out of their asses to smear someone they aren't fit to associate with.
i dare you, double fat fucking dog dare you to find one picture of Biden holding a child, much less one of his own children, with a look of lust on his face...EYODbndXYAASnG0.jpg
a truly foul and disgusting excuse for a human every way.
Well just answer the question, because you haven’t, if that was your little girl being fuckin sniffed or stroked or kissed or spoken to innapropriately like that would that be ok with you? Never mind taking the pass and saying you would never be in that position, would you be happy for some old dude to do that to ur daughter?

edit: of course you wouldn’t, stubborn you may be but I know that if you have kids you would never ever let someone do that to them, you’d be shot by secret service for trying to attack the president
lmao you really have zero grasp of reality.

You are seeing what you want to see in those pictures. Which is pretty fucked up.

Or you are just trolling. It is impossible to tell at this point.
lmao you really have zero grasp of reality.

You are seeing what you want to see in those pictures. Which is pretty fucked up.

Or you are just trolling. It is impossible to tell at this point.
Why can’t you answer the question?

you won’t answer the question because u know the answer doesn’t play into your agenda. I’m just calling a spade a spade, I have zero investment in either side, there’s no agenda here.

go on

just answer it?
Why can’t you answer the question?

you won’t answer the question because u know the answer doesn’t play into your agenda. I’m just calling a spade a spade, I have zero investment in either side, there’s no agenda here.

go on

just answer it?

You one of those people who don't take no for no?

I wouldn't wait hours to have my little girl take a picture with a old man that is not wearing a red suit (or I guess any holiday themed costume). Sorry man.

But your assuming that if I did and as we were squishing together after waiting around for hours and he said something that he thought was funny (and wasn't), I wouldn't be a dick and assume that means he is a pedophile.
well because he’s obviously a national celebrity, does a lot of good for people, helps the poor, breaking down inequality, fixing up your country after the mess the previous regime left?

when I was a kid I used to go to the football training ground to see the players, I had my picture taken with the manager, he was my hero back then, I was so proud to have that picture taken.

We take our kids there now and they get similar pictures taken with their sporting hero’s. If I met Jesus I’d love a pic of me and him, someone who does a lot of good, I’d be so proud, I’d be the envy of all my friends.

you never had a pic taken with someone who you admire? Even if you haven’t I’m sure you’d like one, you and Jorge, soma, skunk man sam? Still no? Ok!

but that is why people want their kids to get pictures taken with the president.

lets pretend ur daughter is well into politics and decides she wants to go to one of these press events, at the end there’s an opportunity to snap a picture of her and the president, would you deny her that?

If you obliged (which most parents would (knowing nothing of his previous behaviour)) would you @hanimmal be happy with him acting that way towards your flesh and blood?
i would absolutely let my kid take a picture with Biden, and not worry for one second that he would harm them in any way...thats a republican bullshit talking point about behavior that doesn't exist, it's just to draw attention away from the true creepy pedophile, trump...which one has multiple pictures taken with gislaine maxwell and epstein? who bought the rights to a teen beauty pageant, so he could walk into dressing rooms unannounced? who has multiple women claiming he sexually assaulted them? who is involved in a civil suit for that right now?...not Biden...
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